Guidance Light


Jonathan Cordero Season 1 Episode 5

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As the fissures of division threaten to fracture the very essence of our spiritual communities, I found myself wrestling with my own inner conflicts, mirroring the broader struggle between unity and discord. In today's heartfelt episode of Guidance Light, we take a journey from the historical echoes of Patrick Henry to the transformative tale of Saul's conversion to Paul, unearthing the profound ways in which faith in Christ can mend the schisms that threaten to separate us. With raw honesty, I share my personal battles and the lessons learned in seeking the peace of the Lord, inviting you to join me in reflecting on our collective calling as followers of Jesus, united beyond the world's divides.

Navigating through storms of doubt and feelings of insufficiency, I reveal how surrender to divine guidance shaped the unedited message you're about to hear. As we welcome the newest members of God's family, my heart swells with joy and a sense of reassurance for the path ahead—echoing the strength and unity of the early Corinthian church. Stand with me as we trust in the Lord's plan, encourage one another through tribulations, and celebrate the steadfast promise of salvation through Jesus Christ. Together in this episode, we fortify our spiritual bonds, leaving inspired and blessed by the shared moments of faith and fellowship.

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Good day and thank you for listening to Guidance Light, the podcast channel that covers God's gospel devotionals and talks about the love of Jesus Christ. I'm your host, john, and this is season one, episode five Division. Now, before I dive into the word of God, I want to first say that I'm thankful because, through God's grace and will, each and every one of you have come to a place and time where you are able to hear and listen to the words of God as they're written, and I'm honored to be able to serve God in being able to read them and translate them in a way that can serve as a blessing to you. Blessed are you, lord, who grants me the voice to praise His name and to share whatever meaning or message he is trying to give you. May God's words lift, encourage and grant you the solace, aspiration or peace that you are needing on this day. In Jesus' name, I pray amen.


Today I'm coming to you from a place of division. Division is not just a math term. If you like math while you were in school, say it out loud or to your friend or colleague near you. Division isn't just for math. Now I'm not trying to take you back to school or anything like that. But in history a gentleman named Patrick Henry, in a public speech, said together we stand or divided we fall. Now I know this wasn't a sermon, it was a public speech. But that is the glory of the God we serve. He can take what is not meant for Him and turn it into a spear used to drive the Word of God into the soul of a man, and we would do well to remember that when things look like they're going wrong, tell yourself God can take this and use this to His glory, say it and believe it. Again, today's math, this message I'm coming from a place that I am calling the divide, and I am divided in my own mind, which is dividing my heart and soul and giving the chance for the enemy to rise up and attack me where I'm most vulnerable. It's hard to sit here tonight and speak about the Word of God, but I said Satan. Be gone, in the name of Jesus, from my mind. I shall not hear a word you utter, for you are a liar. My heart and my mind belong to God. I am His vessel. I am a servant to the Lord on high. I am His. See, when we speak about the Church of God.


There is one man in Scripture that comes to mind and he's actually come up recently, multiple times this week with different people who I've come in contact with and his name is Paul. Now, paul used to be called Saul before God transitioned him to being the person he is in Scripture. Paul, when he was still referred to as Saul, used to hunt down Christians, and God knocked him off his horseback and took what was not meant for God and turned it into a spear of righteousness. He took a man that was determined to undermine the work of God and turned him into a man that carried out his word and built churches throughout the Gentile lands. Someone, please say God can take this and use it. Say it and believe it that God can take whatever you're going through, whatever season you're going through, whatever issues you've encountered, and he can use it. He can turn it into something that will drive a spear and potentially save somebody's soul, somebody's life. That is the power that God wields.


In 1 Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 17,. The Bible says For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with eloquent words, so that the cross of Christ will not be emptied of its effect. See at this point in the Bible, paul was sent to create a church at Corinth and there was so much division going on within the church itself. And I know that God is working in this message to bring everyone together. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we have to understand that there is rivalry happening amongst us each and every single day and we have to tell ourselves I belong to Christ and in Christ we are brothers and sisters. We belong to Him, we belong to the Lord, jesus Christ. Why is there so much division? And then it goes into saying that God didn't send Paul due to his eloquence or his wisdom. He sent him to preach the gospel. And that's where I am today. See, I'm not a theology major. I don't have eloquent words to share on this show, but what I do have comes from God and he knows what he's doing. He knows how to take the soul of a man and usher him to greener pastures.


But too often do we find ourselves squabbling amongst each other. We create our own divide Through the belief that the world has actually shown us. We divide ourselves in ways that are absolutely crazy. You can even say John, I'm an Apple user, she's an Android user, I don't like the green bubbles? Stop. It Isn't the point of texting to communicate? We all belong to Christ. We don't belong to these social norms or groups or cliques or whatever they call Him nowadays. We belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Why is there so much rivalry today? Why do we stand divided? Is Christ divided? No, he is the same God he was back then and we're all brothers again and sisters in Christ. There is no separation, there is no difference. He died on the cross for you, for me, for the neighbor down the street, for the people who shout profanity to that you, it doesn't matter. We're all together in Christ and he loves us all the same way. That, however, is just the beginning, because you can say I love everyone equally. I don't believe in social groups, I don't believe in differences. I believe in accept equality. That's good for you, but my question is do you feel the peace of the Lord? Oh, I'm just getting fired up.


See, we can accept that which is around us, we can accept Jesus into our hearts, but we cannot accept our call if our hearts stand divided from the purpose God has for us. Again, we can accept it all, but we must remain focused on the Lord. Only he can see us through. Only he has the power to mend the wounds. Only he has the power to resurrect. Only he can change your world.


In the books 1st and 2nd Corinthians, god used Paul to create a church at Corinth and there was a division and idolatry running rampant, sexual sin and even incest inside of the church. And in 2nd Corinthians, paul had to step away from the calling that God was calling him to do, because he could not align his mind with the Spirit and knew that God can only work when our focus is solely on him, because if it isn't, then we fail to hear what God is telling us. God will tear down the problems that we're facing. God will overcome the burdens and the things that are weighing on your shoulders, that are keeping you from what he's asking us to do. Paul's letter at Corinth teaches that, no matter the blessing, no matter the willingness, if we stand divided we will fall.


And, as I mentioned earlier, the enemy has been attacking me. Today I'm in a position where I am fully trusting in God's deliverance, and today I actually felt weak. I felt the burdens of the world catching up to me and I floundered. I asked myself a few hours ago why am I even doing this. See, the devil was whispering in my ear from that divide, saying you don't have it all together. No one wants you, no one wants to listen to you. Your bills are coming due. You don't have it figured out. You need to concentrate on something else to feed your family. You need to just relax and not speak today because, after all, you don't really know what you're doing.


Ladies and gentlemen, he had me going. He truly did. He had me believing his lies, although he used my words against me, knowing that I have verbally admitted that I am new to speaking the Word of God, that I don't have a seminary degree, I don't have theology studies under my belt. What I have is a calling by God and my faith in Him. See, just like Paul said, I don't have eloquent words of wisdom. I am here to preach the gospel and just because I don't know what I am doing, that does not mean that God does it. Jesus didn't call ministers and rabbis to follow him when he was here on earth. He called zealots, taxmen, fishermen to follow and to spread the Word of God. Because he is a great teacher, he knows what to say, he holds a spear of righteousness. Praise be to his name. I will follow him till I don't have the strength to speak anymore.


I stopped and I said, god, I am feeling the weight of the world today. Lord, my peace has been shaken If I have done something wrong, if I have done something to separate myself from you. God, forgive me and have mercy on me. I am your servant and where You'll have me I will go. I rebuke the devil in your name, jesus. I remain Yours. I will speak if you will have me. Guide my words, guide my heart, so that I will be a vessel to you. Lord, o God, grant me the serenity in my troubled mind and heal the divide in my mind so that I may serve you without question.


See, division isn't just for math. Someone say division isn't just for math. It exists in and around us. It can divide you from the purpose God has waiting for you. It can divide you from the calling he's calling you to do. It can divide you from yourself, because the enemy knows the signs of division. He knows a 2 plus 2 equals forgiven. But he will turn that plus and divide it so that it will equal 2 divided by 2 and equal that 1, to make you feel like you have one heart, one mind and you're feeling alone in the world with all these things happening around you, like you have no one to call to.


Don't let Him. Don't let Him steal the glory God has in store for you. God opens doors regardless of the struggle, regardless of the division. The devil knows God has a plan for you and the bigger the blessing, the bigger the calling, the bigger the enemy you're going to face. The door is still there. The blessings are still there. God is there in the divide, in the storm, in the chaos, in the struggle. You just have to believe. He will deliver you and you have to know that he will save you. You also have to know that he will conquer the problems, just as he has before, because the God that I serve has conquered the world and he knows what he is doing. You just have to have faith. You have to believe and you have to understand that Jesus is the bridge that will span across any divide. He is the builder, he is the architect and His blessings are sure to come, so long as you believe.


I was asked earlier this week by someone I believe God has sent to me Do you care how many people listen to you, how many people you speak to, whether it's 5,000 or 150? I told them I'm happy if even one listens, because for every one that listens, god is planting that seed. He is putting down a stake on that bridge. He is filling the divide. He is going to help you through half-faith. My brothers and sisters, don't listen to the whispers of the serpent, but to the voice of truth that is guiding you safely through the valley, through the struggles parting the ocean and crossing the divide for you.


As it says in James, chapter 4, verse 14, you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. But God, the God of Abraham, isaac, jacob, moses, that God knows, he does, he knows what's going to be happening tomorrow and he has your back and together in Him we stand. I don't know where tomorrow is going to. I don't know what tomorrow holds for me. I know that tomorrow is not promised, but I know that God's promise is faithful and will endure tomorrow, the next day and forevermore. So I'm looking to cling on to the Word of God. I'm looking to cling on to what he has promised to me. I'm looking to cling to everything he has in store for me, no matter what the serpent whispers in my ear.


I am so happy that I was able to pray to God today and that he was able to bridge that divide in my heart so that I can sit here today and voice what God put in my heart to tell you today so that you can hear it. See, it wasn't easy and it still isn't. I sat here even when I decided to say God, I give it to you. I came up to my office and I said I still don't know what I'm going to do. I still think I'm a failure. I still think that, no matter what I say, it's not going to come across as it's you speaking. God, lord, guide me, grant me the words so that I can speak as your vessel. And he did that, and he put together a message that I think has been one of the best messages that have come across this show since I started, and I firmly believe that God is slowly guiding me and training me with each individual episode to be better and better at being able to spread his good news, his gospel, his promise and the promise that he is everlasting and that you shall not perish if you believe in him, if you come from a place of divide.


If you're feeling like you're divided, whether it's internally or whether you just feel like you just can't get along with people around you or the people who are trying to show you love, give it to God. Let him fill that chasm. Let him fill the divide that is stopping you from following his will. You are not strong enough on your own to cross that divide. You don't have the power to reach the other side, but Jesus does. He has overcome the world and he will overcome the problems that you are facing, so long as you have faith.


See, I usually stop after I finish my episodes and I edit what I think didn't come across properly or I messed up in what I was saying, or something along those lines. But today I'm actually not going to do that. I'm giving you the raw, unedited version of my show. I'm going to go ahead and put everything God has put in my heart onto this track so that you can hear it, because I don't know and I am not the judge I don't know what is meant for you, so why would I be the one to cut it out?


God has a message for each and every single person who is listening to this podcast today, and whether you feel like you're just not making the cut, whether you feel separated from what God has in store for you, whether you feel like you had it and you just lost it. God is a guiding and teaching and forgiving God, and blessed be his name, because he will guide you back. He will take you through the valley. He is a good shepherd. Have faith and believe that Christ has a power to overcome. He is our Savior and he knows you by name. He has a plan for each and every single one of us, and the doors that he opens are only closed by him. That, no matter the blessing that you are facing beyond that door, understand that the temptation, the trials, the tribulations, the chaos, the storm is all going to rise up in order to prevent you from reaching that blessing, because nothing upsets the enemy more than the blessings are being given to you freely by God. He wants to mess them up. He wants to throw you off your path. Do not let him say God, I am with you and if you are for me, then nothing can stand against me. I believe in you, lord. I believe that you can conquer, for you have conquered the grave, lord. You have conquered it all. Blessed are your, blessed is your name. Lord, give it all to him. And for those that could be listening to my channel, please pass this message on. Show this episode to others. Let them feel and accept the message that God has for them. Spread it like a wildfire.


See, paul established this church at Corinth, and Corinth was an important place because Corinth was a seaport. And see, back then the Jews had pretty much a monopoly on what was the teachings of the Bible, and this was the first time that a church was established in such a major city in the Bible to be able to spread the word of God and the gospel to the Gentiles. See, god could be utilizing you right now like a port. He can be utilizing you as that major city to be able to send out and export the Word of God to those who haven't heard Him, who haven't heard His call, who are lost to become that light that guides them to the Word of God, to the gospel, to the good news, to the promise that he has given us through His Son, jesus Christ. See, god sent His Son to die on the cross to forgive us of our sins, to let us feel the Holy Spirit and the peace that lies within, why, if you feel it, would you hold it to yourself. Let it spread the good news, spread the gospel and fill the promise that God has in us.


I don't know about you and I don't know everybody who's listening to this show, but I know one thing is that everybody have come in contact since I've began since episode 1, accepting the call. I have informed them that I'm doing this show, I have sent them links, I have sent them the support to be able to listen, because I firmly believe that God has a purpose for the words that are being said on this channel. I don't want to take any glory. All the glory be to God. I don't even show my face and I refuse to show my face until God has asked me to See. I don't want to put myself anywhere. I don't want to force myself to act to be able to fulfill the expectations of others. I want to fulfill God's expectations and God is asking me right now to tell you to spread His word, to spread this show, to spread this channel so that others can hear, whether it be one person or whether it be 5,000 people. Glory be to His name, glory be to the words that he is sharing with us and the message that he is imparting to us tonight.


Thank you, god, for you are everything that is holy, and I am honored to be your servant, like in the book of Samuel, when he was called three times by God. Lord, I am your servant and I am listening. Find me in what you will have me do. If you have never known Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, if you stand divided in your heart and you don't know which way is up, which way is left, right down forward, you don't know how to make it because the world is beating you to your knees. I'm here to tell you that God is wanting to save you and if you pray with me today, god can take your heart and save you from the storm that you are being battered with. He can build that bridge to span the divide that is keeping you from your blessings. Trust in the Lord and he will not fail you. The world can fail you, friends can fail you, family can fail you, but God is faithful, he is eternal and His promise has never failed.


So I pray tonight and I say God, I am a sinner, I know I have faults, I know that I am riddled with chasms and divides that are keeping me from you. Lord, I ask you to come into my heart and save me, to be my Savior. I know that you sent your Son, jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins to be forgiven. I know you are Lord and I want to follow you. I accept you as my Lord and Savior and I want to follow you the rest of the days of my life. Thank you, god, for being the faithful God that you are. In Jesus' holy name, I pray Amen.


If you said that prayer with me today, I want to say welcome to God's family, I want to say congratulations and I pray that you feel the peace that only Jesus can give you each and every single day. I want you to understand that the problems are still going to come, they're still going to arise, and remember what I said that the bigger the blessing, the bigger the devils that are going to rise up to stop you from reaching your goal. Trust in the Lord and he will deliver you always and forevermore. Thank you so much for listening to my channel. Thank you so much for taking the time to hear the words that God wanted me to say tonight. Please pass this message along and I pray that you're here for the next one as well. The next episode should be airing this weekend. God bless you. This is John from Guidance Light signing out. God bless you, and may he keep you.