Guidance Light


Jonathan Cordero Season 1 Episode 12

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Welcome to Guidance Light, where faith and wisdom light up your journey. I'm your host, Jon, and it's an honor to lead you on this journey of spiritual growth. In this episode, titled "Patience," we delve into the profound question: Does God hear me? If so, why haven't my prayers been answered yet? Through heartfelt prayers, insightful reflections, and biblical wisdom, we explore the essence of patience in our walk with Christ.

In Psalm 116:1, King David proclaims, "I love the Lord, for he heard my voice, he heard my cry for mercy." We unpack the layers of this verse, discovering the significance of voicing our prayers while trusting in God's response. Even in our moments of speechlessness, God perceives the depths of our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Drawing from biblical narratives and personal anecdotes, we confront the challenge of waiting on God's timing. Like Job, Joseph, and Moses, we learn that God's plans unfold beyond our immediate desires, requiring steadfast faith and endurance.

Through fervent prayers and humble surrender, we invite God to work in our lives, trusting in His wisdom and sovereignty. As we align our desires with His purpose, we find solace in His promise: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11).

Join us on this transformative journey of faith as we cultivate patience, trust, and hope in God's unfailing love. Visit our website,, to connect with our community, submit prayer requests, and explore resources for spiritual growth. Together, let's embrace God's timing and witness His glory in our lives.

Thank you for tuning in to Guidance Light. Remember to share this podcast with your loved ones, spreading the message of faith and encouragement. May God bless you abundantly, guiding you on your path of spiritual enlightenment. This is Jon, with Guidance Light, signing off with prayers for your peace and prosperity. Amen.

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God bless you guys. My name is John and it's an honor to be your host for this next episode in the season. I'm excited to share something with you all that usually leaves many people sitting back and wondering if God is real. Then they ask why is this happening to me, or something along those lines. But you would be shocked to know that most of the time, the answers are already there or on their way to you. This is Season 1, episode 12, and the title is Patience.


Now, before we begin, I want to open us up in prayer. My Father, who reigns in heaven, hear my prayer. I come to you filthy and full of sin, lord. God, please wash me in you every day and continually allow me to voice your words so that all who hear can have their souls nourished by your words. Lord, as a man, I fail too often and sometimes I falter in understanding that what I perceive to be a failure, lord, can be a trial you have placed before me, god. Failure, lord, can be a trial. You have placed before me, god. God, grant me the guidance to learn that I need to trust in you in all things in my life. Not my will, lord, but yours. Be done, lord, if I should face something that I cannot describe with my lips. Lord, see my heart, see the man that I am inside, and lead me, for I know that I will not always know what you have planned for me. Grant me rest in the pain, lord, so that my challenges can be made easy in you and I can say, with all that I have, that what I am going through is well with my soul. Thank you, god, for hearing me, for you are worthy of all my praise. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen, all right.


Now, today we're going to be talking about our lives as we grow in our faith and walk with Christ, as we dive into the word. To answer the question does God hear me? If he does, why hasn't he answered my prayers yet? Or, better yet, if he is there, why doesn't he change or stop what's going on in my life? So we're going to actually start out with King David in the book of Psalm. He writes in Psalm, chapter 116, verse 1, says I love the Lord, for he heard my voice, he heard my cry for mercy.


And I'm going to stop there for a second, because I want to highlight sections of this short verse to shine a light per se in what may be unseen at first glance. In this verse, and in most of this episode and the verses we go over today, it's going to encompass the act of what would be known as prayer, worship and praise, while addressing pain, trials and tribulations and problems that we encounter in our lives through three main factors that I kind of hear and see when I read these verses. And the first thing that it's saying in these tools and these factors that I see is the first thing is that we are to use our voices when we are praying and praising and worshiping, but that our hearts and our minds also go into what the Lord sees when he looks at us. So the verse starts out with saying I love the Lord and then it goes into saying for he heard our voice. When we pray, we are connected to God, and this is thanks to the relationship we have with his son, jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins. And as we walk with Christ, we find ourselves using our voices to praise and worship God way more often, which is an amazing thing Because in part, this is how God hears us, but interestingly enough, it's not the only way hears us, but, interestingly enough, it's not the only way. The verse then goes on to say he heard my cry for mercy, and in this we see the phrase cry and mercy used together in one sentence, which teaches us that God sees our pain that makes us fall. He sees our plea for mercy and deliverance from what brings us down.


I know that I've had my share of trials that have left me feeling broken, and perhaps you've felt that way too, or perhaps you still feel like that. Maybe you lost somebody or something that you truly cherished, leaving you absolutely speechless and not knowing how to react, how to act in any way or how to speak up and ask for help. And I'm here to tell you. This is where God shines Amid your storm, god's power perfects itself there. We look at Peter again and I've referenced Peter in other episodes as he was out on the boat with all the other disciples and there was a storm that came upon them and it was threatening to capsize their ship. And when they looked out into the distance, in the waves, in the middle of the storm, they felt like they saw a ghost. Someone was out in the water and they didn't realize who it was. And then, as he focused. More and more they realized that it was God. It was Jesus standing on the water, standing on the waves, standing in the middle of the storm.


Because that is where God is at. He is there to protect us, to guide us, to let us know that, no matter how hard things get, he is there with us in the middle of it all. And in Romans 8, verse 26, it tells us in the same way, the Spirit also joins to help in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for, as we should. But the Spirit himself intercedes for us in unspoken groanings. When we pray, we don't always know what to speak of, and if we are in pain, it becomes even worse because the only thing we can think of is the hurt, is the trouble, is the problems.


But that's why this verse is so important, because it tells us that God can hear our hearts and minds. We honor God with our voices, but sometimes, when our voices fail because we're imperfect, god hears our hearts and the intent of our thoughts through the Holy Spirit. And in 1 Chronicles 8, verse 29, it says for the Lord searches every heart and understands the intention of every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. God knows what you're going through, even if in prayer you have no words and silence is what you hear. He knows that. He lends us his words to remind us through other verses, like Psalms, chapter 94, verse 11,. The Lord knows the thought of men. They are but a breath. So now I tell you, as you're listening, that prayer is important.


I can't highlight that enough, because it's how we connect to God. It's like having a personal phone with God on speed dial. I'm not trying to be funny, but I'm trying to paint the picture that we grow in our faith with reading his word, listening to his instruction, praising and worshiping his name. But through prayer is where our voices, where we voice our heart's burdens and our mind's intent, even if it's not an audible voice, that escapes our lips. I again refer back to Romans 8, verse 26, that it says In the same way, the Spirit also joins to help in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for, as we should. But the Spirit himself intercedes for us in unspoken groanings. And as a side note, as we keep reading here the Word of God, the Bible as you know it, it's not just a collection of story guys, it's a roadmap to understanding. It's instructions on how to act and react and prepare for the uncertainties in life. So I urge you to keep reading the pure milk of his word to strengthen your soul and grow in him.


So, going back to Psalms, chapter 116, verse one, again it says I love the Lord, for he heard my voice, he heard my cry for mercy. And in verse two it continues by saying because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. With this, I get to the part that begins to set some people off. It's important to understand that, as Christians saved by our Lord and Savior, jesus Christ, we are told through his words that problems of this world are going to arise, they're going to come. So does this mean that, since we are saved, that God is going to answer all our prayers and deepest desires? No, absolutely not, and some of you might be nodding their heads saying that's not what the Bible says, john, and to that I would say you're right.


Strewn throughout the Bible there are verses speaking about the goodness, faithfulness of God and how he answers prayers to those who seek him. For example, in the book of Jeremiah, verse 33, chapter three, it says call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things. And in Jeremiah, chapter 29, verses 12 through 13, it says then you will call upon me and go pray to me, and I will listen to you and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart, and I will listen to you and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart. Now, does Jeremiah, chapter 33, verse 3, mean that God's answer will align with what you want, and does the chapter 29, verses 12 through 13, say that when you pray and search for God, you will find him where you plan on, where you want, like where you're going to, where you think you're going to find them? Is that what it says?


No, too often are verses like this taken out of context and misunderstood. Does God hear us? Yeah, yeah, yes, he does. Does God answer our prayers? Yes, he does so. Then you may be asking yourself why does it sound like you're contradicting yourself? Then you may be asking yourself why does it sound like you're contradicting yourself? So first, before I go into that, let's look at Matthew, chapter four, verse seven, it says, where it tells us of a conversation happening between Jesus and the devil, and the devil tells Jesus to prove himself by turning stones into bread. And Jesus told him.


It is also written who are we to demand anything from God? Who are we? We're nobody. We live in a world. Well, first and foremost, I mean I just want to go back to that for a second. Well, first and foremost, I mean I just want to go back to that for a second.


We find it perfectly normal, sometimes out of pain and desperation, to think that through prayer we have the right to demand things from God and we don't realize that we are so imperfect in every way. That it's, it's just, I don't have words for it. We live in a world that has taught us to lose the meaning of patience and in our haste, too often, often do we also find ourselves losing the meaning and understanding that the word of God has given us? What makes us all-knowing? Our desires are not his, our plans are not his plans. Praying for things like money or health, wisdom or strength or a cure or something along those lines, even, like I said, even to the point of demanding it, getting angry with God, because he hasn't given you what you're asking for.


Again, who are we? God is the God of the universe. God is the God of the universe, the King of Kings, the Alpha and the Omega, the Great I Am. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. Do you think he's going to bless you with what you're expecting or demanding? God is listening to you as you pray. He is moving, but he is like the wind. I don't know about you, but I can't recall ever seeing the wind. Sometimes you can hear it but you don't feel it. But he is going, he is working, he is fixing and he is healing, but we lose our sight out of pain and ignorance, to the fact that he is working towards our good and we too often forget we answer and follow his will, not the other way around. Picture it this way If you were in charge of watching a child or your own child and you take away something from them because you knew what was coming next or that it was dangerous, and they begin to cry and shout, beg and demand that it be returned to them, not realizing the harm that could come to them, are you going to meet their demands, especially if it was something you took away for their own good.


This is my understanding on how God works in our lives. We are his children and he teaches us and protects us by giving us what we need, not necessarily what we ask for, because God's plans are bigger than our plans. God's plans lead us to righteousness. He has it all mapped out for us. His plans have something wonderful in store for us. His plans guide us out of the storm we get caught in, through the valleys we are lost in, and mend all that is broken in us. Hallelujah and amen.


Sometimes what we desire is born out of desperation and pain, and the desires go against God's plans for you. In Galatians 5, verse 17, it says for the desires of the flesh are against the spirit and the desires of the spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do as Christians. What do we want to do? We want to serve him. So I say follow his plan. He's got the answers to your questions. He knows the way. He is the life and the resurrection. Glory Be his name.


When you look at what we ask for, when we are praying, we need to reflect and ask ourselves what I'm asking? Is it for me or is it to better serve him? And I'm here to tell y'all that if you're asking for yourself, the Bible says in the Philippians, chapter two, verse three do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself. So you may ask God why did you take him or her from me? So I say to you why do you want to keep anyone away from God?


When we lose somebody here on earth, they go to spend eternity with our father in heaven, where there is no more pain, where there is no more sadness, no more tears. And you may also ask why am I sick while others are not? And I say blessed are those who believe and have not been healed. How much more powerful is your faith than those who believe because they were healed? And you also go into saying things like why are you letting me go through this? And this could encompass so many things. And I say it's also because he knows that his will can never take you where his grace won't protect you. He knows what you can take and he wants you to see that he is enough. And this is why it pains me when I see Christians turn their back on God when things get rough and they feel as if their prayers have gone unanswered.


And if you read the book of Job, this is the man that God uses to teach all of us the meaning of patience. And this is kind of a banner that I would love to have posted in my heart for the rest of my life, something that I can always refer back to, and I always want to remember that we lose our endurance amid our problems because we lack the faith to be patient. I'm going to say that again patient. I'm going to say that again. We lose our endurance amid our problems because we lack the faith to be patient. What do we lack? The faith in the patient, in God's timing, the patient in his will, the patient in his guidance. We have to be patient and wait for something to come to us that God is giving us, that God is working towards us. And in the book of Peter, chapter 3, verse 8, it says but do not overlook this one fact beloved that with the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years as one day, reminding us that God's timing doesn't always match ours, and what you may perceive as a lifetime, god may see it as a mere moment.


You may be praying for others and not seeing the difference. Perhaps it's not selfish that you're doing it for someone else and you still haven't seen an answer or any movement or anything to happen in reference to your prayers. And I say have patience and believe in his faithfulness. Joseph had to wait 13 years, abraham had to wait 25 years on a promise and Moses had to wait 80 years. See, god's schedule is not the same as ours. Sometimes we have to wait because God is doing more for us than what we initially expected.


So when a situation or pain comes into our lives and leaves us speechless, give it to God in prayer. If you find words, proclaim it in faith. If not, let a silent prayer be the medium in which the Holy Spirit can see the depths of your heart and mind. Which the Holy Spirit can see the depths of your heart and mind, for God will grant you the opportunity to be patient by continually having faith in his timing and trusting in his will. God goes further to speak about hope for your life as the seasons continually change. Know that in Jeremiah, in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11, god says for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Keep praying, my brothers and sisters, for God is listening, for God is listening, but instead of asking for what you desire, ask Him. God, how can I ever understand why you are leading me through this? Reveal yourself to me and deliver me from my own ignorance to follow your purpose. Heal my pain, lord, and grant me rest in the knowing that in you, all things are possible. In you, all things are taken care of. Teach me the meaning of patience and to trust in your plan for me, so that you can save me from the storm that I'm in. Save me from the storm that I'm in, and know one thing, guys, that when God hears your prayers and he finally does answer you at this point, then you too will be a witness to the glory of God.


And as this week progresses, guys, I have a challenge for each and every single one of you. If you don't have a Bible, you can go on Biblecom I think it is and get and read things for free. You don't have to have a physical Bible. Perhaps you can have it on your phone, on your tablet, your laptop, wherever you are. But I challenge you to read the book of Job. I challenge you to see what God allowed Job to go through to test him, to test his patience and his faith in the Lord and ultimately granting him a reward far beyond what he ever expected. This is what I challenge you this week with and to all of you guys listening maybe some of you haven't quite accepted Jesus Christ and you're going through your own storms, your own problems, your own issues, and you're seeking for relief, you're seeking for rest and you don't know how.


I'm going to invite you to the first step in the journey and that's to accept Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, into your heart. And it's a simple prayer. So pray after me if you want to take that first step to finding out the purpose that God has in store for you. So close your eyes, bow your head and say, if you're driving, please be safe, and say after me Father, I know that I am a sinner, I know that you sent your son to earth to die on the cross to save me of my sins, and I accept you, lord, as my Lord and Savior. Take my heart and come inside me and guide me to everything that you have in store for me. In Jesus' name, I want to turn my life over to you. I want to be everything you want me to be. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.


And to those of you who are listening that you're going through your own seasons, I pray for you and I say God, father, who art in heaven, see those that I cannot see. Take their pain, take their sorrows, listen to their hearts intent and deliver them. Give them rest and peace, the only ones that you can provide. Lord, let them see you move In their lives, so that they may know that you are Everything, everything that you have promised in your word. In Jesus name, I pray Amen. If you said this prayer, I want to be the first one to welcome you to God's family, first and foremost, for in Luke, chapter 15, verse seven, it says there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. So know that there are choirs of angels rejoicing over you. Also, welcome to Guidance Light. Your love and support for this channel has allowed us to have episodes downloaded in multiple countries like Europe, africa and Asia, and I just saw that our first episode was downloaded in South America. So let's keep this fire going and continually spread the word of this channel to friends and family. I am blessed that God has allowed me to voice his words on this show.


As you are all aware, guidance Light Ministry has launched a website where you can do things like submit prayer requests, send emails, see the schedule for events and activities, look up and purchase official Guidance Light merchandise designed by my wife and I to help support the ministry. All of this is just so exciting because together we are working towards a vision God has in store for us not just for me, but for all of us as a collective family in Jesus Christ. Thanks to his guidance in my life, other platforms like Spotify and Amazon Music are now starting to show followers and movement. This is beyond exciting. My family and I are so excited to continually serve God and, by extension, to serve you, his followers and his family, and what a meaningful journey this episode has been for me. I have been so excited to share this with you, because this message didn't come to me until today, so I want to thank you so much for being a part of this channel.


Your support of this show means the absolute world to me and my family. Again. Please visit us on our new website, wwwguidance-lightcom. It's filled with cool information Again prayer request forms and official guidance, like light merchandise. This is all in order to support the ministry in developing more content. Your support truly helps me and my family push through and focus on the vision that God has in store for us.


Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. We are posting every single day for daily verses, motivation and reels, events and promotions, so make sure to follow us for all kinds of cool things, but to also carve a few seconds out for God each day. Please leave comments and reviews on our channel, as it helps me get the algorithms to promote our show so that others can hear what God may have in store for them. If you're going through something, send us prayer requests. It remains anonymous, but my wife and I pray for each once a minute. We are in this together and I'm excited for what God has in store for us.


Visit us at guidance-lightcom or email me at john at guidance-lightcom and, please, I'm asking for your help in sharing these podcasts to your friends and family members. God can work through you. This may be the chance that you're looking for to fill that fulfillment that God has for you. God bless you and keep you safe. I thank God for each and every single one of you. Guidance Light will continually air one episode every Friday night into Saturday morning. If you're interested in a list of verses we covered today, please email me and I will be happy to send them your way. Stay tuned on our website for that as well. Thank you again, and may God continue to bless you. This is John, with Guidance Light signing out with all the love that I can muster. Thank you so much for supporting this channel. Again, god bless you, and may his blessings rain down on your life and answer any and all prayers that you have given to him on high. Again, this is John, with Guidance Life signing out with all the love in the world.