Guidance Light

Beyond Betrayal

Jonathan Cordero Season 1 Episode 20

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Betrayal can shake us to our very core, leaving us questioning our faith, our relationships, and even ourselves. This week, I opened up about a recent betrayal that struck deep, challenging my ability to trust and forgive. Drawing parallels to Simon Peter walking on water, we unravel how it's possible to find faith and strength even when life's storms threaten to overwhelm us. We'll explore the biblical grounding of forgiveness through the teachings in Mark and Romans and how Jesus' endurance through suffering can inspire us to find purpose amidst our pain.

Reflecting on the fleeting nature of our earthly struggles against the backdrop of eternal life, we understand that forgiveness isn't just an option—it's a divine imperative. I share a powerful analogy of our short lifespan against the endless scope of eternity, emphasizing the importance of letting go of grudges and resentment. Embracing forgiveness not only brings us peace but aligns us with Jesus' teachings, offering us a pathway to salvation. This episode encourages listeners to open their hearts, embrace God's love, and spread His word, potentially altering lives forever.

Finally, we conclude this season with a heartfelt reminder that God's call for us often comes in whispers during our most challenging trials. Even when we feel overwhelmed by silence, His grace remains steadfast. Our journey together has been one of growth, reflection, and unwavering faith. As we look forward to season two, let's remain attentive to God's guidance, express gratitude for His blessings, and continue to walk in the light of His love. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and may we all find wisdom and understanding in our path ahead.

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Welcome to Guidance Light, where God is always number one. We talk about faith, spirituality, the battles of the flesh and the spirit, but mainly we are here for you to walk in Christ. We know how hard life can be, we know the ups and the downs, but we are a family in Jesus and we are here for you. My name is John and this is Guidance Light. Welcome back to Guidance Light. Again, this is John and I'm thrilled to bring you the season finale of season one with a little snip clip of the new intro. So I'm hoping that you guys are really liking that.


But, going back to this, between now and the season of start or the start of season two, I'm going to be uploading small clips. The season of start or the start of season two. I'm going to be uploading small clips instead of full episodes for the next two weeks, so I don't leave you guys without some content, but it's not going to be the full episodes as they are right now and during this time, I'm going to be using this time to be setting up for her or setting up the studio for season two, which is going to be aired on YouTube, which I'm so excited for and I hope you guys are going to be there to join me there as much as you've been joining me here on the podcast, and I want to say that it's been an absolute rollercoaster ride from the start of the season all the way up to today, and I want to extend a deep and meaningful thank you to all of our listeners. Today we will be talking about betrayal, mockery and a lack of appreciation that we experience as the world tries to beat us to our knees. If this is the first time listening, welcome. It's better late than never, I always say. And to my loyal listeners you are a continual blessing in my life. The light you shine helps me out in more ways than I can count. So thank you.


And as we wrap up season one, let's take a quick look back at our journey, starting all the way back at episode one, which talks about accepting the call to serve God, leading into episode two, understanding God's love and how it's all that we need. In episode three, we talk about moving forward with God even when we feel like failures. Episode four is being grateful and serving God without questioning his will. Episodes five and six was the first time that I tied together a little mini series called I Love Math, and this is where we discuss the feelings of feeling divided and how God removes things for our own good out of our lives. Episode seven is recognizing our need for rescue and how God can use us to rescue others, leading into realizing that everything that the world gives us, the worldly pursuits that we constantly chase, leave us feeling empty a lot of the times because it's without God's love. Christ's love is what fills us, and this is what episode eight talks about. And in episode nine it talks about us being a light onto others and to be an overall beacon of goodness in the darkness that others experience. And in episode 10, we talk about embracing that God is greater in us than what the world has to offer, and we lead it into episode 11, reflecting on Holy Week and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Now episodes 12 through 18, I'm not going to break it down one by one because it's a series on its own and it's a series of self-reflection, growth, forgiveness and, overall, how God works in us, to teach us to rise up when we feel like we shouldn't, to rise up when we feel like we shouldn't, and then that leads us into episode 19, and that's understanding corruption and the harm that we do to ourselves with our own words. In a nutshell, that has been the journey for season one that has spanned over the last six months leading up to now. We are finalizing and finishing up season one in today's episode and I'm so excited for it. It's been an awesome experience so far and it's only going to get better.


In Jesus's name, let's pray and ask God for guidance to understand the message he has for us and for a deep understanding of his words. God, we come to you today with all sorts of trials, tribulations and a weary heart. Our bodies are riddled and full of sin. Lord, seeking refuge in your goodness, we thank you for dying on the cross for us to cleanse us of our sins. And as we dive into your word today, god, we pray that your message comes through and touches our hearts, that it brings forth growth, hope, healing and revelation in our lives. Lord, we honor you and covet your wisdom. Be the light unto our paths and deliver us from the darkness that surrounds us each day. In Jesus' holy name, all of God's people say Amen.


Now, today's message is coming from a personal place, and, as we stand at the edge of the season, my personal trials have become harder and harder, which led me to today's topic. See, in the past week I started thinking of Jesus and what he went through on his way to be crucified. To paint the picture I want you guys to think of this for just a moment In Scripture says in the book of John, chapter 19, verse 1 through 3, it says Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers also twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and threw a purple robe around him and they repeatedly came up to him and said Hail, king of the Jews, and were slapping his face. King of the Jews, and we're slapping his face. This is just a start of a very, very hard reality of what Jesus went through, and if our goal is to be more like Jesus, then we need to understand what to do in the moments we face the things Jesus did. I'm not saying we're going to face crucifixion. What I'm saying is that there are certain aspects of what he went through that we face in today's trials, and the first thing that comes to my mind when I picture this scene so vividly in my mind is the word betrayal.


How many of you have ever felt betrayed by someone you trusted, loved or had a connection with. It happens to all of us at some point or another in our lives. But how do we handle it? I know how I've handled it in the past and it's never been good. I'd cut people out of my life or I'd hold grudges and anger pent up deep inside and I never realized back in the day the damage that I was doing to myself. All because I was hurt from the act. Others not myself, but others may even set out to look for retribution or, as many people may call it nowadays, quote-unquote payback. And that's because betrayal comes in so many forms. Maybe it's dishonesty, unfaithfulness, perhaps you experienced physical abuse or disrespect, you were deceived, neglected or just had some form of abuse happen to you. It could even come in the form of people breaking their promises. Betrayal has such a wide range of things that can fall under that word, but it's just all encompassing for the pains and trials that we face today.


So let's stop for a moment, just a brief moment here, and picture Jesus, the Lamb of God, the only perfect person to ever walk earth. Just take that second and picture him in your mind, because when I do, I begin to see Jesus, as stated in John, chapter eight, verse 12. I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but we'll have the light of life, but will have the light of life. This is the same Jesus, the one who came bearing gifts of the Spirit, who healed the lame, restored eyesight to the blind and rose people from the dead.


He was beaten, mocked and betrayed by not only his closest followers, but by the very same people who sought out his miracles, by the very world that he came down from heaven to save. His message is clear In John, chapter 14, verse six. He says I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. This is a father who reigns in heaven. He's talking about entering the kingdom of heaven, that nobody can get into heaven without him, because we have to go through him.


So if Jesus, the lamb of God, went through betrayal and was able to overcome it, I'm here to tell you the good news that you can too, and the first step is to begin to forgive those who have wronged you. In the book of Matthew, chapter 6, verse 14 through 15, it reads for if you forgive other people. When they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their sins, your father will not forgive your sins. So I'm going to stop for a moment reading from scripture, for just a second, here, guys, and I'm going to talk about what has recently gone through my life.


See, I recently felt betrayed and it was like a knife that was driven into my soul because it came out of nowhere as I was trying to be the best person I can be, following God's will and kindness. I recently ran into this and it was in such a way that it affected no, it's currently still affecting my family, even while I speak. It's affecting my wife, it's affecting my children, because when it happened, I was taken aback. I stood dumbfounded and in a state of fogginess because the wound was so deep that everything felt surreal. I felt like I was Living in a bad dream, like nothing I did that day mattered. I went home and I just nothing mattered. I couldn't get on the computer, I couldn't watch TV, I couldn't talk to my wife, I couldn't play with my kids. Everything felt like I was in a dream and at that moment, on that day, I failed God. God didn't fail me. I let doubt and sorrow flood my soul. How could I not See? I sparsely remember driving home, but I vividly remember how I laid on the couch and wept through my pain and suffering. I continuously felt the pull of the Holy Spirit trying to comfort me, but I was reeling in pain. I kept whispering, father, thank you. That was all that I could muster as a mess on the couch.


In the heat of the moment, in the backlash of the event, I too could not bring myself to think clearly. Because, let's face it, who here on earth does, when you are hurt so badly, who stops to think clearly? I know of only one person, and his name is Jesus. Jesus knows and knew his purpose and his focus the entire time he was dealing with the betrayal and the pain of death. His focus never left his heavenly father. He was focused on God and his mission was clear and his love for us beat and conquered everything he was feeling. See, I couldn't bring myself to forgive.


I continued to try and rationalize what was happening. I stopped trusting in God's provision and started to see the damage that was laid around me everywhere. See, if you followed me from episode one all the way till now. You'll understand that this transition from not knowing God to where I sit here talking to you today has been a long and arduous journey, filled with everything that the world had to offer falling apart around me, and I continued to make these episodes and talk about the peace that I felt throughout all of it, all of it. But when I got hurt, I stopped to look around and I was absolutely devastated by it. And this is important to understand, because when we walk in Christ and our eyes remain on him, there is no depth that can hold us. I want you to think of Simon Peter when Jesus called him out of his boat in the middle of the sea during the storm. He was able to walk on water while keeping his eyes focused on God, but the moment he took his eyes off, the moment he veered his eyes off of God, his mind doubted and he fell into the abyss. He looked at his feet and said wait, this is impossible. And it fell because he doubted I was.


I feel the same way in many, many ways. I feel the same way in many, many ways, and during this time is taken and it's taking a lot of prayers from not only myself, but from my friends and family, to be able to feel like God is in control again, and at this very moment, he is still working towards my good, just like he is for you too, towards my good, just like he is for you too. I thank God for one thing throughout this entire experience more than anything, because everything that I've gone through recently has shown me that my faith was strong enough to survive this storm, even if I felt like I was beaten to a pulp, pulverized and I found myself with absolutely no strength. I never questioned God's purpose in my life. I never stopped to blame it. So I just want to stop for a moment again and say, like I whispered on that day Thank you, father. And add Because I now know the measures of my heart that much more and know that it stood strong when the rain came pouring down, because my heart is built with you, lord.


I sit here today and say Lord, forgive those who have trespassed against me and work towards their good Lord, so that they may also receive the blessing of your spirit, of your spirit. In the book of Mark, chapter 11, verse 25, it says and when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins. And in Romans, chapter three, verse 23,. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and I am no different. They are no different. You are no different, but you are forgiven by God. And I want you to think of Jesus carrying that cross bloodied, bruised, humiliated, betrayed, lonely, weak and tired. He still happily shouldered that burden. He shouldered your burden. He took step after step for our good, not just mine, not just yours, but all of ours. He gave it all so that we could be saved. And if he could forgive all of us, then why can I forgive the one when his own apostle betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver, or in today's currency, about $264.60, and then proceeded to kiss him on the cheek?


To many degrees, this message for me so far hasn't been just necessarily about betrayal, but about the act of forgiveness. In the face of all that we take up arms for. Our teacher is Jesus and we should strive to be more like him every day, even when it feels impossible to do. Maybe you experience mockery, discrimination, emotional or even physical abuse. I'm not saying to not protect yourself nor to stand up for yourself, but to forgive and pray for those who persecute you. In the book of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 43 through 45, it says you have heard that it was said love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your father in heaven, for he causes his son to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. We are all equal, so love one another. Guys, and those of you who are listening right now, I want you to know that if you believe in Jesus, there is no amount of betrayal, mockery, abuse, lies, unfaithfulness or wickedness that can ever take away his love and promise of eternal salvation. Whatever door God opens for you, there's nothing here on earth that can take it away from you.


So when we look at the span of our lives, I believe modern medicine states our average lifespan is about 80 years old. So what is 80 years to eternity? Let me make it a bit clearer, maybe in a way that you can understand it a little bit better. If you lived right now to be 500,000 years old, what is 80 years? Or, better said, if you had $500,000 sitting on your lap right now. What would $80 be worth? What would $80 be worth Now? Stretch the years out infinitely. In this life, we suffer for what would be insignificant to you, less than insignificant than a second spent today in 80 years worth of living. I'm going to repeat this, guys, if you were going to live for 80 years, that's what modern medicine says you're going to live right. So if you live for 80 years, that would be as if you regret or you throw that away for the second. You just heard me say this. Would you throw away the rest of eternity for the pains that you experience in today's, in your life? So many of us hold grudges and hate towards those who have betrayed us and abused us. For all of our lives we hold these grudges so deeply engraved and what we don't realize is Is that our anger and resentment Is causing us to throw away Our salvation. We are throwing away 80 years For the second spent on this day. We are throwing away $500,000. Because of an $80 bill.


If Jesus could overcome the world in his name, so can you. In John, chapter 16, verse 33, it says I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world, but be courageous. I have conquered the world, so I have a super important mission for all of you, should you choose to accept and I'm saying that with a smile, the Mission Impossible reference is just too hard to not say. The first thing is to spread the word of this channel. The word of God is a living word and revelation is granted by the Holy Spirit to those whose faith is in God, and you may be saving a life by doing just that.


See, the topic that we covered today is a big reason for suicide. It's such a big thing in modern society. I want you to know that, statistically proven, one person takes their own life every 40 seconds. The light of Jesus in you may be the thing that saves them. And the second thing I have for you is I want you to think of someone who has wronged, hurt or been unjust with you and pray for them. Ask God to bless them and to guide them to his ever loving side. Forgive them in spirit and, to your heavenly father, confess your heart's true intent of moving past the wrongs you've encountered.


So, as we begin to close out this episode, I want to pray with you guys. Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today, on this night, still reeling in pain, for the wounds that I have experienced have yet to be closed, but I thank you because I feel your embrace, comforting me and letting me know that everything is going to be okay. I thank you because, through the course of this season, I have seen your love, kindness and forgiveness grown in not only me, but in those around me. But in those around me, I have survived because of your provisions, Lord, so please forgive me in my moments of doubt. I seek to be more like you. I yearn for your peace each and every morning and seek your rest each night. In you, lord, I have found my home. Guide me each and every day and help me continue to see the light you shine, lord, and let it always be a beacon to my eyes. Lord, I pray for those who have wronged me. I pray that you bless them with abundance and salvation, father. May they see the fruitfulness of your love in their lives. Protect and guide them every day of this life. I know I'm imperfect, lord, so I thank you for loving me the way that you do. In Jesus' holy name, I pray for all the honor and glory to be for your name, amen.


If you don't know Jesus or have ever asked for him to live in your heart as your Lord and Savior, today, tonight, whenever you're listening to this, this is your chance. This moment is your opportunity to begin to set down a path of redemption in Jesus's name. By saying a simple prayer, by accepting Jesus, you are washed new from your past. As stated in the book Hebrews, chapter 10, verse 10,. Our sins are washed away and we are made clean because Christ gave his own body as a gift to God. He did this once for all time. He did it for you, he did it for me, and all it takes is for you to acknowledge his sacrifice. And if you die today, if you found yourself standing before God in final judgment, would your name be written in the book of life?


If you want to experience life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and experience the peace that he brings the one that makes absolutely no sense, I want you to bow your head and pray after me. Father, I come before you today knowing full well that I am a sinner. I know that you sent your son, jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. Lord, I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all that is bad. Lord, and be my Lord and Savior. And be my Lord and Savior. Let me follow you for the rest of my days and rest with you at the very end, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. In Jesus' holy name, I pray. Amen. If you accepted Jesus today as your Lord and Savior, amen. You are now a brother or sister in Christ, our heavenly father, and I want you to know that in scripture, in the book of Luke, chapter 15, verse seven, it says there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don't need repentance. So I want you to know that, the moment you said that prayer, that there are choirs of angels rejoicing over the choice that you made. And if you haven't heard it yet from anybody, I want to be the first to tell you that I am so, so proud of you. Ending season one is bittersweet, and it won't be for long, because I know that season two will come back with so much more power and glory, in the name of Jesus, and it's going to touch even more lives with your help.


So welcome Welcome to Guidance Light. It's a ministry led by faith and our focus here is God, and our focus here is God. Tell your friends and family that these episodes are free and they're located on multiple platforms for ease of access. My wife and I push daily content to remind you that God is in control and that you are not alone. Follow us on Instagram, facebook, spotify or Apple Podcasts and stay tuned on June 15th for the first ever episode of Guidance Light on YouTube. More information about YouTube will be on our website, where you can also do things like submit prayer requests, send me emails, purchase Christian merchandise and catch up on the latest episodes with transcripts. We are overflowing with excitement to serve the living God, witnessing his hand at work in fulfilling the vision he has set before me.


So again, I want to ask you for help, just one more time. Yes, you the one listening today. It doesn't matter where you are in this world. Whether you are in Sweden, ireland, ghana, canada, mexico, the United States, it doesn't matter where you are. This channel can only thrive with your support. So share this content with your friends and family and you're going to be contributing directly to the mission that God has in spreading the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.


This could be the moment God is calling you to act, so don't ignore it, and may God bless each of you abundantly and guide you through the storms you are facing. His trials guys, can be extremely challenging. His silence can feel supremely overwhelming, but his grace his grace will never abandon you and his voice is always so much closer than you think. All you have to do is be willing to listen. I want to say this is John, and I'm going to see you guys in season two. Thank you once more, and may God keep blessing you. This is John, with Guidance Light signing off. See you guys next season.