Guidance Light

Walking in Faith when we fail

Jonathan Cordero Season 1 Episode 3

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Have you ever felt like your missteps and failures overshadow your journey of faith? Today, I’m peeling back the layers of this struggle, revealing how those very challenges can become milestones that carve our path closer to God's purpose for our lives. Our conversation is steeped in the wisdom of scripture, drawing from the depths of Colossians and Second Timothy to shed light on the ever-present battle between our earthly desires and the call to live for Christ. Through candid discussions on repentance and the transformation it brings, I aim to provide you with the solace and encouragement needed to overcome the deceptions of the devil and bask in the peace that walking in faith brings.

The episode is further enriched by the powerful story of a shunned woman's encounter with Jesus from the show "Chosen," reminding us of His limitless compassion and the strength we draw from faith. As we wrap up, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your dedicated listenership and valuable input, which continually shapes our shared spiritual journey. Looking ahead, we’re excited to unveil new episodes every Friday and Sunday, fostering our connection and growth in the light of Christ's promise. So let us journey together, embracing the eternal perspective and the unshakeable support God provides every step of the way.

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Good day and thank you for listening to Guidance Light, the podcast channel that covers God's gospel devotional and talks about the love of Jesus Christ. I'm your host, jonathan John Cordero. This is season one, episode three Walking in Faith when we Fail. Before I begin, I want to first say that I thank God for each and every one of you that have come to listen to God's words. Blessed be his name that grants me the voice to utter his words and share whatever meaning or message he's trying to send out to you. May his words lift, encourage and give you peace on this day or night. In Jesus name, I pray Amen.


Have you ever felt like you were trying to find your path, but yet everything we think about ourselves as has us believing that we're failing him? Sometimes it feels like our failures are too grand to share, or that the acts themselves keep us from salvation or keeps us from the purpose that he put us on earth to do. Let's talk about how we walk in faith and what we do when we fail. As you've received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk in him. Colossians, chapter 2, verse 6,. And if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself. Second Timothy, chapter 2, verse 13,. When we walk with the Lord, we have a dynamic relationship with him. Just as it's impossible to make progress while standing still, remember that as a believer in Jesus, we are always either walking towards Christ or walking away. There is no middle ground. It's kind of like a game of tug of war. We have the world and what it has to offer on one side and our heavenly Father on the other side, and we are the rope, and our heart is a center of the earth. The side that pulls the hardest is the one that you tend to lean into more. See, it's normal to sway back and forth and lean in either direction from time to time, but so long as your eyes remain on God, he cannot and will not lose. See, behind God is all the splendors and blessings this world has to offer, but one designed for you to honor him. He provides for us so long as we continually trust in him.


It's important to understand that when we walk in Christ, we aren't counting on our physical senses to guide us, like our eyes or our smell, touch, feel, but our spiritual ones, as stated in John 14, verse 6,. Jesus said to him I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me, which shows us that walking Christ is key in our faith and our journey always leads through him. Some may ask how do I know if I'm walking in faith? To that I ask are you trusting in God? Are you making decisions based off of your own gain or for the glory of him on high?


Our heart and soul will not lie to ourselves. What's that popular phrase? In our heart of hearts, deep down, we know if our daily lives represent what God has in store for us or if the choices we're making fuel the everyday world, like the fanfare or greed, maybe envy or possibly jealousy, and there are so many more sins. That can be the reason we all fall into making poor decisions, and it's actually with good reason, because the devil actually designs it that way. See, he knows that it's instant gratification to scratch an edge, just like he knows it's gratifying to ourselves when we want something and do whatever is needed to obtain it, rather than trusting in the Lord to provide it to you at his own time, which is when we see ourselves failing.


Because the Bible teaches us that the devil is like a hungry lion, always prowling and seeking to devour. He's always looking to make you feel like a failure. See, the devil doesn't respect your boundaries. He doesn't care how you feel, so long as he's making you lean away from God and he's tearing you away from all that he has promised. So imagine that tug of war game. See, the devil is what the world has to offer. He's the one trying to pull you away. He's trying to deceive you into leaning away from God. He's trying to get you on his team without you realizing it, while God has never, ever, let go of the rope, no matter how much you pull, because he is there to save us. He is there to redeem us. He wants you on his side. He wants to show you all that he has to offer.


See, god doesn't want us to suffer. He wants us to rejoice in all that he's made for us. It's like when you travel, say you go to the mountains, or if you're outside camping and you see a night sky full of stars, that sense of peace and wonder. That is what God provides us each and every day. We don't need to measure the mountains or count the stars for quote unquote fear of what may happen if we don't kind of like what the world throws at us, that it makes us feel scared if we don't accomplish something that it's setting us out to do. Maybe you're just not reaching those goals that you set yourself to do or that someone set for you. All that God wants us to do is just simply remain in the moment, taking in the wonders of our Creator. When we walk in faith, we feel that sense of wonder and awe way more often than not, regardless if the world is seemingly falling apart, and to a lot of degrees, I pray that it is not for your detriment but for His glory. See, I don't want you and it's not for you to suffer, but to know that the God that we worship has more to offer to you and that the enemy will make you believe that the world is falling to ruin around you Once you climb out of that hole, once that veil lies, that the enemy creates shatters, so then will you see the glory of God and the splendors he's always had in waiting for you.


However, there is something that we must do each and every day, and that is to repent for our sins. The sin of man and temptation is what makes us fail, but it's inevitable and that's okay. Jesus understood this intimately when he was here on earth. He understood it so well that he told one of his disciples, peter, that when the time came that Peter would deny knowing him three times when Jesus was being persecuted, peter prior to that doubted Jesus and said I would never do that. But yet he did and his faith was shaken to the point of feeling as a total failure. God knew this would happen, and after the resurrection, one of the first things that Jesus did was to reassure Peter of his eternal love and purpose. God's plan for Peter's life hadn't changed due to his failure, and neither will yours. His endless grace, eternal love, remains with you through it all, no matter how badly things may have been or currently are.


Do not give up or ever be discouraged. Jesus will never give up on you, for he is the Redeemer. Let him restore you. There is no problem. Issue, act or failure, you can perceive that is bigger than God.


In Romans 8, verse 31, it says if God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not, with him, also give us everything else? Who will bring charge against God's elect? It's important to remember that God chose us, for whatever reason. Whether he chose you to stand up for others, whether he chose you to be a mother, a father, a shoulder to lean on, a guide, a leader, a follower, it doesn't matter. He believes in us. Whether we believe in him or not, he fights by our side and behind us stands the armies of heaven. The God that made the walls of Jericho fall is the same God, for if God is with us, then who shall be against us?


I don't sit here speaking of this without fault myself. See, this comes from a very personal standpoint. I too have failed repeatedly, and I continually do so. See, the devil knows that I struggle with the sin of lust and my eyes are my own downfall. And I've taken this path towards God, and the devil is throwing traps my way left and right.


Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to tell you that I too fell. I too committed a sin that shook me to my core. Just the other day, I fell into a trap that I proclaimed God had delivered me from, and he had. I was the fool that walked right back into it. When I committed the sin, I instantly felt regret and guilt, ashamed of my own image, scared to look up to heaven, I felt my prayers and repentance hollow and without merit. I just didn't feel right. I felt like nothing I would do would quite make up for the error that I had committed. I had fallen, and fallen really hard spiritually.


I went outside to take a breath and to try to regain composure, and I stood outside in the sun for just a moment and my wife came out to talk to me. At that moment in time I turned around and I told her. I said hey, listen, I'm sorry I failed you and God. I didn't mean to, but I am sorry, and God never, ever, left my side. May have not felt his presence right then and there because where sin exists, god cannot be, but he didn't lay, he didn't let me stray too far. I felt down and out of sorts for a couple days and I felt like I'd taken a hundred steps back from where I was.


But as I prayed today and the episode that we're speaking of now came to mind, god showed me that he is a great deliverer and that he is the one that redeems and restores. I Don't need to doubt that he's done that with me. See, I know that I need to get up and Follow him, knowing that in faith I've been redeemed and will continually follow his word to the best of my ability, with my family, with my kids and with my calling. I Know that this was one of many times that I failed and that I will fail again, but, lord, I ask that my eyes remain on you. Lord, I will walk in faith even when I fail, knowing you are my God and my Savior. My story doesn't have to be Just like yours right now.


Perhaps there's something else happening in your life that is making you feel like you're falling away from his grace. Falling away from his grace? Maybe the world has become so confusing you don't know how to go through the day without committing sin. I want you to know that, as you're listening to these words, that God loves you and knows you specifically by name. He's stretching out his hand out to you right now, in your desperation, in your time of need, to deliver you from your pain and sorrow. Trusting in him is kin to having faith, so that you should believe in him and everything else. Everything that you are praying for, everything that you are needing, everything that you are wanting Through our heavenly father will fall into place. Jesus, I come to you mired with the thoughts of my past failures. I want to follow you, jesus, please grant me the wisdom to see the pitfalls that the enemy is laying at my feet. Guide me in my walk every day, confident in you, lord. Lead me away from my temptations that make me fall. And God, should I fall, lord, should I commit sin against you, I will kneel and thank you for not giving up on me. Lord, restore me and help me to continue my walk in your light. Amen.


Through it all, no matter how hard, the important thing is to always keep your eyes on the lord. The idea behind it is that when you commit sin, it's important to repent from it. It's important to be Sorry, to not want to commit sin, and if you Commit sin which is normal it's going to happen to each and every single one of us every day. Whether we realize it or not, whether we want to or not. It's going to happen and that's important. That's an important aspect to understand. But the important turnaround of that, what you need to take away from that, is that you shouldn't be wanting to commit the sin and if you do it, when you ask for forgiveness, you should ask from a humble heart you shouldn't say I'm sorry for committing xyz Sin and then go back the next day and commit the same sin over again, because then are you truly sorry for it? Did you really want to get better or did you just say that just to kind of sweep what you did under the rug? Jesus sees our hearts. He knows our intentions, he knows the intent of your words, he knows you. The purpose is not to just Say god, forgive me for what I've done and I'll do it again tomorrow and you're gonna give me a free pass. That's not the point. The point is to fall and to hold onto his hand, for him to deliver you From the sin and to move on.


If you're running out in a field, let's say you're playing a sport, and you're running and running, and running and all of a sudden you trip in a hole, you twist your ankle, you end up getting up, you heal and you're running on the same field again, are you gonna run into the same hole again and again, or are you gonna go around it? Are you gonna avoid it? See, that's what sin is like. Sin is that hole and the soul and the pain you feel in your soul. That's Equivalent to your ankle being hurt in this story. Don't hurt yourself Going through the same problems over and over again.


I know it's easier said than done, but when you trust in God, when you give your life over to God, you trust that he's gonna deliver you. It happens, will you run into another hole and twist your ankle again somewhere else, in some other field? Probably, hopefully not. I hope all you remain safe. This is just metaphorically speaking. Will you fall into sin again? And the answer is yes, you will, because we are so far from perfect. We all far fall short from the grace of God. We need to stop and understand that sin is designed to keep us from God. But that does not mean that God gives up on us. That doesn't mean that he lets go. That doesn't mean that his purpose for us changes. That doesn't mean that he does not love us and that he doesn't want to see us through.


If you believe that, if you believe that the Sin that you've committed or that you are committing is keeping you from him, then you're letting the enemy play with your mind and you need to rebuke him in the name of Jesus. You need to say Enemy, be gone from here be gone from my mind, from my soul, and my heart belong to the Lord, and it is his purpose that I seek to follow. It is his will that I seek to follow. Let his will manifest itself in my life. And, god, please grant me the wisdom to see what you have in store for me. Help me see pitfalls before they happen.


See, the enemy is a strategist. He knows the Bible and he knows our lives Better than we care to admit. He knows how to get you to like something and how to get you to want it so badly that you are willing to trip over your own feet Just for the sake of getting near something that was never meant for you, that has pulled you away from the word of God. It's not about vanity. It's not about instant gratification. It's not about what you wear or how you look or what you have. It's about what God has in store for us and what he put you on earth to do.


If we measured our lives and we counted the minutes, the seconds, the hours, and that translated to a piece on a rope on the end of a rope, our life span Would be equivalent to just the freeing side of a rope, and a rope that is endless. That's how small our lives here on earth. The amount of time we have here on earth matters. What we choose to do with this small portion of time is going to affect us for all eternity, for the remainder of that rope. It's going to affect us. Why are we gonna give up the rest of our eternity? For the short time that we're here on earth, god has promised us Eternal life and salvation through his son, jesus Christ, and it doesn't matter what you're going through, it doesn't matter what you've been through, it doesn't matter what you're about to go through. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that you will fall, but you will be held. He will hold you in place, regardless of the circumstances. He will hold you in his arms, for when our strength fails, his only Begins. There's nothing that he cannot overcome and there's nothing that he's not willing to do for us. All we have to do is believe.


In my last episode I spoke about a show called Chosen, and the show has taught me a lot more than I've ever cared to admit simply by watching a TV show about God and about Jesus. But one of the scenes was a lady who was considered unclean because she would bleed from a disease. And Jesus was walking through a crowd of people who wanted to know who he was because he was already performing miracles throughout all of the lands. And as he's walking, he's crowded, it's hard to get to him. His disciples are trying to usher people away from him just to give him a chance to walk from one end of the street to the other on his way to go perform a miracle for someone else.


And this lady had been shunned from society. She was pushed out of society because she was considered unclean, as back in the day, if you bled or any body fluids would be considered unclean and you would have to follow cleansing rituals back then. But she had no control of her body. It would just bleed uncontrollably. And she had faith in Jesus Christ, the healer that she said that if I could just touch one thread of his tunic I would be healed. I just need to get close enough to touch one thread. So she pushed through the crowd, she pushed through all the chaos, she reached her hands out and fell to the floor. And as she fell to the floor, her hand grazed his tunic, just the bottom, the fray of his tunic. Instantly she was healed. This is such a powerful scene in the show because it shows the faith that she had, that just one touch of a thread was enough to heal her of her ailments. In the scene as she touches a thread on his clothing, I want you to understand that Jesus was walking through a crowd of people all reaching out to him, all wanting to know him, all wanting to hear from him, all wanting a miracle done in their lives. All reaching out to him and being pushed away by disciples as he's trying to walk. But yet, as this one lady fell and touched that one thread, he stopped and he turned around and he said who touched me? That touch with faith was more powerful than any other physical touch that he was feeling while he was walking through that crowd. He was able to feel that touch, even though it never touched his skin. He turned around and praised the woman for having faith in him. She was healed.


Doesn't matter what you're going through. It doesn't matter again what you're going to go through. Understand that faith is the path to healing, is a path to redemption, and Jesus is there for us, no matter the circumstances. Maybe you're going through something where you're going through a divorce or you're going through separation of your children or your loved ones, maybe you lost somebody dear to you, maybe life just hasn't played out the way that you expected it to play out. These are all things that seem like pitfalls, but yet they're put in place to push you towards God. Give it to him and let him show you what the trials and tribulations can become ways of glorifying and uplifting his name, how your trials and tribulations can help others understand the wonders and beauty that God has in store for us.


It may be painful to deal with it. It may be something that you don't want to look at, you don't even want to think about it. But when you give it to God and God takes it and begins to develop you, the foundations of your very, very core will begin to shake and you will start to develop into someone you didn't even think was possible. Have faith and walk in Christ, no matter the pitfalls, no matter the struggles, no matter the hurdles. Have faith that God is the end goal In heaven. We will celebrate with our Heavenly Father and he will make everything right.


And when you doubt, when you have a sincere doubt of your walk with God, bring it up to him. See, we think of all these prophets and all these anointed people in Scripture and in the Bible that did all these wonderful miracles and were able to hold God's favor and wonder through it all. When they had a problem, they didn't turn to their spouse, they didn't turn to their friends, they didn't turn to the law. They didn't turn to other preachers or other pastors. They turned to God. They gave their problems to God, no matter the level of the issue. They turned to God. They didn't have food, they didn't look at their bank account, they didn't go to the supermarket, they didn't ask for handouts. They said God, you will provide.


And he did, and he always has and he always will have faith in your walk, my brothers and sisters, for God is not going to leave you, no matter what you're going through. He loves you and he's embracing you. That so you understand that if you see the world around you falling apart, understand that he's already holding you, that without his embrace it would be so much worse. He protects you, whether you trust in him to protect you or not. With that being said, I want to go into prayer and I want to pray over each and every single person who is listening to me today.


If you've been listening to this and you haven't gotten to know God, you haven't gotten to understand what he has in store for you. It's as simple as just asking Him to save you. You can say Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner, god, I know I have my faults, I have pitfalls all around me. God, sometimes it feels like I'm walking on a tightrope in the middle of a Grand Canyon, that, no matter which way I turn, I'll fall. God, come into my heart and deliver me. Save me, even if it's from myself. Help me understand myself so that I can grow in your name. Come into my heart and help me, the way you've always been holding on to me. I believe and I have faith that, no matter how far I fall, you will always be there to catch me, take my life and do with it as you will. Help me get to be the person that you put me on earth to be. God, deliver me from the pains that I feel, from the failures that I've committed, and, lord, even if I don't like where I am, if it is your will, lord, help me, be okay with it, for only you know my heart. You made me and, god, I trust in you to deliver me. Take my life, lord, and save me. In Jesus name, I pray Amen.


And for every one of you that's listening, lord, I pray over each and every single one of you, lord. I lift their problems to you, lord. I lift their lives, their sorrows, their successes, their will. I lift them all to you, god. Move your powerful will and grace over their lives, lord. Help them realize that you are God and there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. And if they feel alone, help them feel your love. If they feel scared, help them feel your power and to understand that fear is not of you. You are God and we honor you, lord, with every breath we take. We praise you, lord. Thank you, god, for everything you do. Thank you for allowing me to deliver these words to you In your name. Be all the praise and glory. In Jesus name, I pray Amen.


I want to say thank you so much for anyone and everyone listening to me and being part of this channel. Hearing your feedback on what I say and the way that God maybe touches you with the words that I've spoken brings me so much joy that I want to say thank you to God for it every single day. I'm happy that I'm able to sit here and be able to go over my life story in ways that it could affect you. May God bless you and keep you. Remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and through his name, no fear, anxiety, depression or negativity may prevail. Have a wonderful day or night, and I hope to have you tune in on the next episode.


This channel will begin airing episodes Friday and Sunday and we're going to make more if you guys want to hear more. A lot of the people that are listening to this channel are friends and family right now, so feel free to reach out to me and let me know. Hey, I really enjoyed it. I really took something from it. It motivates me, it lets me know that you're really looking, that you're really feeling it, and that's awesome. Thank you guys again, and I look forward to airing our next episode. My name is Jonathan John Cordero and I am signing out with all the love that I can. Thank you again and I look forward to airing the next episode. May God bless you and keep you today and deliver you Thanks.