Guidance Light

Rescue Me

Jonathan Cordero Season 1 Episode 7

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As I reflect on the profound impact that God's grace has had in my life, I'm called to share the journey with you. In "Rescue Me Now," we traverse the landscape of faith, from personal turmoil to the redemptive embrace of the Holy Spirit. Feel the pulse of a community galvanized by divine guidance and join our celebration of the gospel's transformative power. The Apostle Peter's letters, brimming with wisdom on salvation and spiritual resilience, serve as our lighthouse, teaching us to navigate life's tempestuous waters and aid others in their quest for the shore.

Together, we discover the unwavering presence of Jesus, our savior who reaches out to the lost and steadies those caught in life's storms. We inspire each other to be cornerstones of faith, sharing Jesus's light, lifting those from the shadows into belief's radiance. This episode is not merely a listening experience; it's a clarion call to extend a hand to souls adrift, ensuring that the promise of salvation is known to be within reach for all. As part of Guidance Light's community, you're invited to amplify our mission, carrying the torch of God's word into the world, and becoming beacons of hope in the darkness.

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Welcome back and thank you for listening to Guidance Light, the podcast channel that covers God's Gospel devotionals and talks about the love of Jesus Christ. I'm your host, john. This is season one, episode seven. The title of this episode is called Rescue Me Now. God is good, he always has been, and we're gonna come out of the gates swinging today.


Before I dive in today's message, I wanna praise God to voice how thankful I am for the changes he's making in my life and, through God's grace and will, this channel is beginning to spread and flourish, reaching heights that would not be possible without him. The Lord has placed a voice on my lips so that each of you can listen to his instructions. I pray that you are in a place where you can let the words of God stir your spirit as it has mine. All praise and glory be to God as we honor God's words by speaking it out loud for all to hear. I am honored to be God's servant and privileged to deliver his words to your ears, for I want you to know that he meant them as a blessing for you. Worthy and hallowed are you, lord, who sees me, who lights my path in the darkness, guides me through the storm and grants me the voice to praise your name, lord, I ask that you let your Holy Spirit fill the hearts of all that hear your praise and that we feel the peace that only you can provide, regardless of our current circumstances. I offer my mouth as your instrument. Do with it, as you will, lord O God, and share a message for those you have intended to speak to through these episodes, to all who are listening. In Jesus' name, I know God's words will uplift, encourage and lead you through the valley that you may be walking through. Seek refuge in God and rest is sure to follow. I pray that the Holy Spirit moves for you to heal, deliver and provide understanding to your life. God has a seed in you. Let that seed you have sown into us grow in your will, god, and may your plan manifest itself so that I may work towards all the plans and blessings you have in store for me. In Jesus' name, I pray amen.


Now, who's ready to feel the fire of the Lord today? Who's ready to jump out of your seats and praise Hallelujah to the one on high? If you're not there, don't worry, we'll get you there, and if you are there, welcome to the club. I'm right here with you and we're not gonna go anywhere until we get the message that God has in store for us. I promise that this is gonna be worth all the way to the end. So please stick through the episode and just listen as the stories and the word of God all come together to create that picture and that message that God has in store for you.


Now we're gonna look at a really, really famous person in scripture. Who here, who's listening, knows of Peter. Now my wife and I have been doing some Bible study as of late and we decided to dive into the book. First Peter. Now a little background before I go forward. My wife recently saw the show chosen on Amazon Prime, and I have to give it to the directors. They've done such a wonderful job in producing a show that's captivated millions of people and stuck to the teachings in the Bible. Now my wife is new to her faith, much like I am, and my wife learned about Jesus and his apostles for the first time in a relatable way by watching this show, which led her down the path of her faith to continually grow, which is what we're actually going to be kind of talking about today.


See, in the show, the apostle Peter is yet to be revealed as the name of Peter, but still referred to in the show as Simon. Peter is a name that God gives Simon, as it stands for rock in old Aramaic. Jesus gave Simon this name due to the principle of the foundational cornerstone that Jesus would build this church upon, which leads me to Peter, as an exile. Years after Jesus' crucifixion, he writes letters that would later become the book First Peter and Second Peter. In the Bible Now, first Peter, chapter 1, verse 1 through 10, peter goes on explaining the blessing of salvation we have and what to do with it. In First Peter, chapter 1, verse 5 through 6, it says you are being guarded by God's power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this even now, for a short time if necessary. You suffer griefs in various trials. This is referring directly to why we spread the word of God to all who dare listen.


When Jesus was here on earth and he was crucified for our sins, his blood cleansed us of everything. He offered salvation so long as you believe in him. Now I'm not talking about salvation of the flesh that we're going to live forever. I'm talking about spiritual salvation, salvation from spiritual death. This salvation doesn't mean that we're not going to go through trials or grief in our lives. Remember that our flesh, our body, is riddled with sin, and sin is everywhere around us and that's why our bodies must perish. But Jesus has cleansed our souls and in John 3.16 it says God gave his only begotten Son that who shall believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life. But what if I told you that accepting Jesus was not the only thing you had to do? I know I got a couple of your tensions with that phrase. What if I told you that if you read 1 Peter, verse 1, I'm sorry, chapter 1, verse 10 through 12, he explains that salvation is not just about the promise God has given to us, but the call to serve others. Let's picture it in a way that's a little easier to digest.


Say, you were in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by water, treading barely, keeping afloat. The water is a representation of your sin and the sin around you pulling you in with every tiring kick threatening to drown you. You look around and all around you, you notice you're not alone. Your loved ones are there, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, even everyone else you have yet to meet. They're all there with you and you're all treading water somewhere for wear and falling beneath the waves. As you begin to sink under the weight of your sins, jesus sticks his hands into the ocean and pulls you onto a boat and onto safety, the safety of his salvation.


Now, once you are saved and you're on this boat, do you sit on the boat and do nothing as you watch and wait for the boat to come ashore, or do you call out to those around you to reach out to Jesus for them to be rescued as well? When we are saved, we don't serve ourselves any longer. As we're born anew, we now serve the Master, our God, in his efforts to rescue all the souls who need help. We know that once we are saved, our promise is ours. God is faithful and his promises are always fulfilled. Why would you wait for it silently in a corner, when you can help others be pulled to safety? In 1 Peter 1, verse 12, it says it was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, just like Peter. When Jesus walked on the water and asked him to step out of the boat and walk to him in faith, peter was able to stand on water, but when he lost his focus on God, he sank into the ocean and was rescued again by Jesus. Praise be to you, our God.


Why do I bring that up? Well, because it's relevant. See, it's not only like my scenario, but it shows you that even if you are on this life-saving boat with Jesus, the waves continually batter on the ship and push you from side to side, we hold on to God's goodness and promise. Just because you're on this boat, that doesn't mean you're not going to get wet. Sin is everywhere, but so long as we don't lose our focus on God, we will not fall back in. We will stand on water, as Peter did all those years ago. We will keep our eyes on the Lord and all storms will cease, all waves will crash, but none shall crash on you. If you lose focus and you recommit sin, reach out your hands, raise them as high as you can and scream God, my God, save me, for I've fallen and don't let me go. Please don't let me go, and Jesus will save you and hold on to you and whisper in your ears, just like he did to Peter oh ye of little faith. Why did you doubt God's voice in time will calm the storm, reminding you that in him you are safe, in him you shall not perish because in him you will rise. For those that are new in faith in 1 Peter 2, has something for you too, jesus.


Peter 2, verse 2 says like newborn infants desire the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow up into your salvation when we are saved, god holds us in his arms, cradled like a newborn, because in him we are born anew. And what does a baby need to grow? I mean, we all know children need to grow. So it applies. They need love, they need compassion, they need care and they need food. And our God is a God of an overabundance of love, which he freely gives you, along with a compassion, along with the care and the word that he's left behind is the milk that you need to become stronger, stronger to tread those waves when the enemy comes, looking to sink you. Because nothing accepts the enemy more than to still see you building rafts for God. And he's going to rise and try to drown you in sorrow and in sin and in self-doubt. He's going to try to wreck your finances. He's going to try to get into your relationships. He's going to try to tear down your home. He is going to rise and he's going to throw the biggest waves that he has at you to try to knock you off that ship.


And have you forget that Jesus is there, holding out his hands, reaching out for you over and over again, because he loves you? See, jesus has chosen you and upon salvation he chose you to be a cornerstone for your enemies and those who have rejected or disobeyed God to trip on. Someone doesn't like your faith, that's them tripping. Someone is offended by God. That's them stumbling. Someone doesn't like you. That's them falling before the cornerstone that God has put you in you Rejoice in him, praise him and thank him, because now those people see you. They now see the light within, they see Jesus, they see a saved person. They are in the water, treading, barely, holding on, mad that they don't know how to do it on their own.


Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the key. He grants us the salvation and rescues us from the deep. No one notices a stone while laying in the middle of a field, but when you're walking and you trip all of a sudden, you say where did that come from? That's our chance, my brothers and sisters. That's our chance to grab their hands and lead them to God to be saved. He has the strength to pull them out of the misery, out of the pain, out of the confusion and into the light. Jesus is our Savior, now and forevermore. Praise be his name.


When you're saved, leave the past behind you, leave that which almost caused you to drown behind you. You're born anew. Rescue again and again and again, because God won't leave you alone. He's knocking, he's asking, he's throwing lifelines left and right and all you got to do is hold on, reach, grab, believe, have faith and know he's going to pull you through. Whatever season and storm, trials, tribulations, chaos, anything that you're going through, jesus is going to pull you through. Don't lose faith in him and dive back off that boat. Don't lose faith in the one who saved you. Spread his love. Be that light, be that compassion that others need. Grab a light and start shining it into the darkness, into the middle of that ocean, so that others can see where you are and they can come, they can flock to the Savior and be saved.


It doesn't matter how many times you've fallen off that boat, and I'm talking to those who have experienced Jesus, for those who have experienced his salvation. And a wave has come your way and knocked you so far off that boat that you can't even see the bottom of the hole anymore. You're so far beneath the waves that you feel that you are lost permanently. God will rescue you from your depths. Hold on to that faith. That lifeline is coming. That lifeline is there with you. That lifeline is long and you may fall a little bit further in, but know that at one point or another that lifeline is going to get taught and it's going to start dragging you out and you're going to see the waves again and you're going to praise God as you sit again in his salvation and safety.


All you have to do is believe. Hold on to God as much as he is holding on to you. Serve others by passing on your message, your path to salvation. Let others know about it. That's your light. That is how you found the boat. Maybe there are three strokes of swimming behind you. Maybe they are looking the opposite direction or holding on to something that won't stay afloat.


See our God. His promise is forever, his faithfulness is forever and his power shall not allow his proverbial boat to sink. He stands, he is the rock, he is the foundation, and no waves or storms, earthquakes or natural phenomenon, sin, hate or anything else you could throw him is going to shatter that rock. And so long as you believe in him, you shall stand on the foundation with him. Help others get there as well. Give it all to God. Let go of what's dragging you down. If you're holding onto baggage that's pulling you under the waves, let it go. You don't need it. God, it's going to give you so much more. His blessings are worth so much more.


I'm not talking about the material things. I'm talking about in salvation. His promise is the Kingdom of Heaven. What else do you want? You can't take anything that this world has to offer with you when you pass away. You cannot take money. You cannot take cars or houses or jewelry, clothing, your looks, your fame. You don't take anything with you. The only thing that you take with you is your soul and the promise that God has in store for you. So let it all go. Let it sink in the waves together with the sin that it belongs to, and find yourself basking in the light of our Savior. Find yourself helping, pull others onto the safety, onto the salvation, onto the promise that God has in store for us, and it's not out of reach.


I want you to know that, if you're listening to me today, I want you to know that salvation is not out of reach. There are so many of us that come to God weary. The Bible says come to me as you are and I will give you rest. Finding God doesn't take much, because he's always been there for you and for those of you that think you're too far gone, for those of you that believe that you are beyond redemption. Our God won't leave you behind. He has a special place for you. He has a promise in you as well.


Take this time to think and ask yourself am I treading water? Am I under the waves? Do I feel the oppression of this world, the anxiety, the depression, the hate, the division? God can take all that and make it into something good. He can make it into a new you. So sit here with me for a moment and look inside yourself. And if you haven't known Jesus, this is me pointing the way to this raft. This is me waving my hands and shouting to you saying we are over here.


Hold on just a little bit longer. There's a lifeline coming your way. All you got to do is reach out and grab it. And you grab it by accepting Jesus, by accepting Him into your heart and asking Him to save you. Pray with me, father. I believe that you sent your Son to earth to die on the cross for my sins and to be resurrected again to give me eternal life. Lord, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Come in my heart and save me from this waves that I cannot pull myself out of. I trust in you, lord. Thank you for the gift and the promise you've given me. In Jesus' name, I pray amen.


To those of you who said the prayer with me, I want to say welcome to God's family. It means so much to me to know that I have a new brother and sister in Christ. Thank you so much for being a part of this channel. It means the world to me and my family. I'm happy to report that we are now on multiple platforms for your convenience. We also have a new website called guidance-lightcom. We're offering official merchandise, and your support helps me and my family push through to be able to create content and focus on the vision that God has in store for us.


Follow us on Facebook and visit our website, leave comments and reviews or send us prayer requests so that we can pray over you or your situation. We're in this together and I'm excited for what God has in store for us in the future. Help us by sharing these podcasts with friends and family members. God can work through you to toss that line into the water. This is your chance. God bless you and keep you safe. I thank God for every single one of you. Guidance Light will begin to air one episode every Friday night into Saturday morning and air a guidance light plus episode, which is additional content to be released later on in the week, and that's going to happen every week prior to the next episode. Stay tuned for that and help us spread the word of guidance light. Only with you can we reach the goals that God has in store for us. Thank you so much, and may God bless you. This is John with Guidance Light signing out.