Guidance Light

Learning to Walk

Jonathan Cordero Season 1 Episode 16

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Have you ever felt like you're stumbling in darkness, searching for a beacon to guide your steps? Join us on Guidance Light as we share an intimate discussion on the transformative power of walking by faith, inspired by the Apostle Paul's teachings. Our journey begins with a call to trust beyond our sight, embracing the stillness that Psalm 37:7 advocates as a foundation for faith. Through heartfelt stories and biblical wisdom, we unravel the art of resting in God's presence, preparing us to brave life's tempests with unwavering belief. We discuss how the act of sitting quietly before God equips us with the strength to take confident strides forward, supported by His love.

The episode continues to unfold the spiritual parallels between a child's developmental stages and our own growth in faith. Reflecting on the gospel account of Jesus and the father of a demonically afflicted son, we delve into the essence of belief and the courage it imbues. Learning to walk with God is akin to learning to walk as a child—filled with moments of support, patience, and eventual triumph. In sharing our gratitude for the community's support of Guidance Light, we emphasize how each contribution expands our shared mission to spread the salvation message of Jesus Christ. Together, we celebrate the assurance of God's grace that envelops us, guiding us towards healing and growth, step by step.

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Today we're going to learn how to walk and how to take the first steps. Welcome to Guidance Light everyone. Those of you who are new to take the first steps. Welcome to Guidance Light. Everyone those of you who are new to this channel, welcome. And to everyone returning it's a blessing to have you here and all honor be to God for leading you through another day to hear his words.


As we look back at the last couple of episodes, god taught us that there are moments that we find ourselves seemingly standing alone during our struggles in that place of isolation, focused on all that threatens to tear us apart or what's hurting us or bringing us down. See, it's in that place that God's words are found to manifest themselves. That's where his power glorifies and it guides you to safety. Now that we know that he is the way, the truth and the life, we learn to take the next steps in faith. This is John in season one, episode 16. Before we begin, let's pray. Before we begin, let's pray. Father, I come to you fresh and the new Lord, because you have made this way, you have made me this way. Blessed are you, lord, our God that cares to know our name. Lord, your words teach us to carry on, even when we feel like we can't, because we know that it is you that carries us. Give us the wisdom that we need to hear what you have in store for us, lord. Let us hear you at this very moment, god. Let your light, love, peace, compassion and hope pour out, lord, and guide us down the road that winds and turns, for our faith is in you, god. We know that you are the good shepherd and we have faith that, in the case that we lose our way, that if we veer off, if we fall off the path that you have paved, jesus, that you would leave the 99 following you to find us, the one. You, lord, who knows all things, cares to see into the depths of my heart and cares to know me by name. Lord, you hold the tears that I've cried in the palm of your hands. Lord, you know the pain that I'm going through, or that I have been through, and you bandage my wounds. We will praise you, lord, for you are Rapha. You are the great I am, lord, as you instructed Moses to walk, lord, we await your call. Like Samuel, you have bound my wounds, lord, and lifted me when I fell. Now it's time, lord to take the next step in you. Where my feet fail, yours hold us up. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen. How many of you are fired up for God? I know that I am.


Today, we're dusting off our clothing from the storms that have been beating at us, that have been surrounding us, that have been tormenting us yes, all of them. Because they are gone and in the name of Jesus, if you're still surrounded, I declare his healing over you, I declare his deliverance over you. Let that storm be gone, see the light of the sun, jesus, shining through the clouds, illuminating the way in truth and the path to life. I have been going through a storm, my friends. If you've heard from episode one accepting the call to now, you have more than likely seen or heard the growth and struggles I have been going through. But in that, in the name of Jesus, it's over. The wind has blown, the waves have crashed and what I once thought would stand has fallen, but the rock on which I stand has held firm and peace is within me.


As we dive into the word today, we're going to start out with the apostle Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians 5, verse 7, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Guys, there's a lot that God has imparted to us from this verse. We live in a world that has been blinded by the enemy to lose sight of what is truly important. Through the confusion, hate and greed of the world, so many have lost their faith in not only God, but in everything. So let's rewind and let's go step by step to learn how to walk in Christ and remember the steps we should follow. The first thing we should learn about is that we should learn to sit still. The second thing is that we learn to stand strong. And, in third, the third step we should look at is that we are to take our first steps while keeping our focus on God. So let's take a look at what scripture says about these three steps.


And the first thing we learn in this simple verb walk is when we hear this word, I know, automatically I think of walking somewhere, maybe to a corner store, maybe to the mall, maybe to a friend's house or wherever my feet may lead. But it's so much more than the physical aspect, than what it seems when we look at this word and relate it to God. First, to walk, we have to learn the basics, and that's to learn how to sit. When we sit, what are we doing? I'm sincerely asking you and challenging you to think of that. When you're sitting down, what are you doing? Are you moving around? No, you are literally sitting still.


And when we sit and we're sitting still, it's teaching us to be still in the presence of the Lord, to be still in all that God has willed for us. Sometimes this is the hardest step, because being still in the Lord means to trust in God, to trust in his timing and his plans for you. It's knowing that, no matter what the road may look like, jesus has already gone forth. Jesus has already done it before you and he holds the victory. In scripture in the book of Psalms, chapter 37, verse 7, it says be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. God doesn't want you to move on your own, because he is working towards your good, and faith in him and his timing will deliver you from the lion's den, even when we cannot see the lion that prowls around us, waiting for a moment to devour us in a time of weakness, to devour us in a time of weakness.


Remember the book of Psalms, chapter 28, verse 7, for it says the Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in him and I am helped. Therefore, my heart celebrates and I give thanks to him with my song. Your song is your voice. Give praise to God of all creation, guys, for he is our strength, he is our fortress, and in him we shall not want, for he is enough. Have faith in God in all you do. So.


You may be asking what is faith. I took the time to Google it and Google defines it as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. But in scripture, in Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 1, it says Now, faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. And continuing that in Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 6, and without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.


And what does Jesus say in scripture when he is challenged by a father of a boy who's having demonic seizures? In the book of Mark, chapter nine, verse 22, it says and many times it has thrown him into the fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us. The father, speaking to Jesus. And then Jesus, in verse 23, responds by saying, if I can, everything is possible for the ones who believe. Oh El Shaddai, who else can if not you? Rapha, you are the healer of all things. You stitched me together. You knew me before I was born. I honor you, god, for your name is power, your name is healing, your name stands above them all.


So we understand that before we walk, we must first learn to sit and be still in the Lord's presence, regardless of what the world is throwing at us. Regardless of what the world is throwing at us, I kind of picture it like one of those movies when someone is sleeping or standing still in the desert and a storm blows over and it slowly begins to cover them, but yet they don't move Because in the movies, they know that it's fake. Well, we know that the enemy is a deceiver and his lies are nothing more than fake news. Stand still and don't let the wind scare you. Don't move from the grains of sand pelting against your skin, as uncomfortable as it may be, for when it blows over, you will have the chance to stand and dust yourself off, knowing that God has shielded you through the worst of it. And this is where it leads us to the next step, which is to learn how to stand. To the next step, which is to learn how to stand. We need to look at the path of learning to walk in.


An infant baby. See, an infant learns to sit, as we've learned. Then their parents begin to hoist them up as so they may stand on their own two feet. They do so gently, lifting the child and holding them until they finally understand that fear is an illusion and that you aren't going to let go of them until you know that they understand what it means to stand, that they understand what it means to stand, and even after they begin to have confidence in knowing that they know what standing means in one single place, even after they begin to lose their fear. If you have kids, you may even walk or crawl beside them with your hands hovering so close to their little bodies that the slightest sign of them falling, you are there to catch them.


So too does our heavenly father hold on to us. He knows we trust in him and he knows our fears, but says in first peter, chapter 5, verse 6 through 7. So humble yourself under the weight, under the mighty power of god, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to god, for he cares about you. If you've ever read the book of 1 Peter, this verse itself is referring to something else. But when you understand that, the verse itself can be applied to what we're trying to learn here, it tells you to give your fears to God, to give what's causing you to have worry to God, because he cares about you, and that he will lift you up and he will honor you for being bold and having faith in him, to trust in Him. And there we have it Now. We are standing with our Heavenly Father holding on to us, and we are poised to take our first steps.


For years, our parents and us parents hold on to our kids. As taking their first steps is one of the proudest moments of a father or mother to their child. So too is our Heavenly Father looking to you to do the same. It's when we doubt in God that we fall, for our lack of faith is what sinks us beneath the waves, but his love is enduring. It never gives up on you and he will pull you back up, hold you, bind your wounds and wipe away your tears, giving you the strength and courage to stand again, regardless of the amount of times that you fall. And then we finally reach that moment we've all been waiting for, and that's taking the first step towards God, like a child learning to walk. God holds us, teaches us and guides us. In our solitude, we feel God is taking a few steps away to show you the way and to call you over, like a parent does to their child, urging you to take the first steps, encouraging you, believing in you when no one else would. He knows you can because he is. You can because he is.


The first steps in our walk with Christ is not easy. It's hard. It's the times we remember the pain that we've suffered from, the many times we've fallen. It's the time we remember the suffering we've endured. It's a time we are blinded by fear. This is when we must let go, much like an infant child, and let the joy of Christ flood our hearts and step in faith, knowing our Father is there to catch you and guide you.


For, like a child walking, when we walk we aren't looking down at our feet, making sure our footing is secure. We keep our eyes on our Father, knowing he's just a few paces away. We keep our focus on the Lord. We may not know how to speak, we may feel alone, but so long as our focus is on Him, his voice and strength will carry you through and his joy in you will be never ending. Which leads us back to 2 Corinthians 5, verse 7. For we walk by faith, not by sight. Not by sight. We often dedicate so much time to work, family, social media, tv, sports and so many other things.


How about this week? We dedicate 10 minutes to God. I'm not asking for a lot here, guys. 10 minutes, what is 10 minutes? Be still this week For a moment In silence and alone. There is no need for words, there is no need for anything but Jesus. Isolate yourself from everything and everyone. Turn off your phones, turn, turn off your watches, set them aside, leave them in the room or in the car. Dedicate a moment to God alone. Envision him there, kneeling, sitting or standing beside you like the best of friends, listening to all you have to say, holding you close as you breathe his breath of life. Tell God of what is weighing you down. He is there to listen. He is there to heal and to uplift you. Trust in him and he will not fail. Remember that being still is having faith in his timing, not yours.


No-transcript. Father, my God, my Savior. In you, lord, I keep my eyes. You are my focus, you are my goal. Lord, I have fallen so many times that I have learned to fear the ground on which my feet stand on. I trust in your words, god. I trust in your promises. I know you are there for me, god, for even if I fall, you will be there to pick me up. Thank you for your non-ending compassionate love towards me, even when I don't deserve it. It is because of who you are that I am where I am, and it is in you, lord, that I find my way. I know the path may feel unsteady and I know that at times it will feel uneven and my strength will give up. But trusting in you, lord, and watching you move in my life Is worth every bump and bruise I may get when walking towards you. God, I am unworthy, but your arms are welcoming, your voice calling, your presence enduring. I find my strength in you. Thank you for being who you are and being there for me even when I couldn't see. Help me fight my fears and that which robs me of my faith in you, lord, for you have never failed me and when the time comes and my faith is shaken, remind me that I am yours, lord, and always have been. You walk the path to salvation for me so that I may walk easier. Thank you, lord. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen For those of you who have gotten to the point of learning how to sit still.


If you haven't yet had the chance to meet our father, he's calling out to you. He wants you to know that he loves you and knows you by name. He is waiting for you to save you and to teach you how to walk on steady grounds. If you want to know who he is, if you want to experience the love and peace that makes absolutely no sense, feel free to pray and repeat after me. Pray and repeat after me.


Father, I am a sinner. What I believe to be righteous is like filthy rags to you, lord, thank you for sending your Son, jesus Christ, to die on the cross and rise from the grave three days later for my sins. I believe in you, lord. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be my Savior, god, and deliver me as I give my life to you, lord, for yours is the kingdom of heaven, and may you reign on earth and in my life, as you do in heaven. In Jesus' holy name. I pray Amen. As you do in heaven. In Jesus' holy name, I pray Amen.


If you are bold enough to say that prayer, I want to be the first to welcome you to God's family, for you are now a brother or sister in Christ, our heavenly father. I want you to know that in scripture, in the book of Luke, chapter 15, verse 7, it says that there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don't need repentance. So I want you to know that at this moment, right now, there are choirs of angels rejoicing over the choices you made today and, if you haven't heard it yet, I am proud of you. I also want to welcome you to Guidance Light, where our focus is God. We have multiple platforms we push daily content into to remind you that God is in all we do. We are on Instagram, facebook, spotify, apple Podcasts and so many more platforms. We also have a website where you could do things like submit prayer requests, send me emails, purchase Christian merchandise and catch up on the latest episodes with transcripts.


Our excitement to serve the true living God knows no bounds in us. As we see him working towards fulfilling the vision he has given me, I will say this that I am in need of your help. Yes, you, the one listening today. This channel will not go far without your support. If you can lend me a hand by sharing this content with friends and family, it would lend right into the mission God has for us, and that's to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. This could be the moment, right now, that God is calling you to help. Don't ignore it. May God bless each one of you to the fullest and deliver you from the storm you're going through. His trials are hard and his silence can sometimes feel deafening, but his grace will never leave you stranded and his voice is never as far as it seems. Thank you again, and may God continue to bless you. This is John, with Guidance Light signing out.