Guidance Light

I Believe

Jonathan Cordero Season 2 Episode 3

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Have you ever felt a divine nudge guiding you towards a path of obedience and repentance? Join us in this compelling episode of Guidance Light, where we explore the profound significance of walking in Christ. Through personal anecdotes and spiritual insights, we unpack the essence of disobedience, remorse, and the transformative power of true repentance. We'll delve into the importance of making heartfelt declarations when accepting Jesus into our hearts, and discuss how this act strengthens our faith against the enemy's distractions.

Imagine a simple act of ordering a meal becoming a powerful metaphor for declaring your faith. We'll uncover the biblical foundations of this concept with scriptures like Job 22:28, Proverbs 18:21, and John 6:35. Through the miraculous story of the woman healed by touching Jesus' garment, we'll illustrate the transformative power of belief and spoken words. Reflecting on Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, we invite you to embrace your faith openly, make declarations of trust and repentance, and seek God's grace to overcome your shortcomings.

Our journey concludes with an exploration of humility in faith. We'll discuss the transformative prayer of "humble me, oh God," and the importance of aligning our actions with our faith. By taking time away from distractions and seeking God's guidance, we can deepen our connection with Him and live a life that honors His purpose. As we wrap up, we encourage you to reach out with any questions and stay connected through our social media platforms for daily devotionals. Get ready to make a declaration of faith and advance in your spiritual journey, embracing divine guidance and blessings for a phenomenal week ahead.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Guidance Light, where God is always number one. We talk about faith, spirituality, the battles of the flesh and the spirit, but mainly we are here for you to walk in Christ. We know how hard life can be. We know the ups and the downs, but we are a family in Jesus and we are here for you. My name is John and this is Guidance Light, and we are here for you. My name is John and this is Guidance Light.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back, welcome back to episode three of season two. Guys, let me adjust my mic here a little bit. I want to make sure that everything is coming through clear as day and I want to make sure that everyone is having a phenomenal week. Thank you so much for joining me again here on the next episode, and it's something that I love coming up with new topics and new things. But reality is that God gives me these messages and I just I try my best to be obedient and sit down behind this mic and just talk. Reality is that in the last well, in a really long time, I actually haven't written down one word in reference to any of these episodes. It all comes straight from the Holy Spirit, straight from the heart, and, if you've been following me from episode one, season one, you'll know that I'm really new at all this, and the speed in which God is allowing me to be able to convey his messages is something that is super, super awesome, and I'm very honored to be able to do it. So I just want to say welcome to everybody who's coming back from different parts of the world, whether it's from Asia, europe, ireland, usa, sweden, doesn't matter where you're from. God loves us all and he wants us all to hear his words and the news of salvation through the gospels. And, again, I'm so honored and blessed to be the host, to be able to go through these journeys with you, because most of these things that I'm talking about, they come from a place of self, like I'm going through it. It's not like I'm telling someone else how to live their life. This is what I'm going through it. It's not like I'm telling someone else how to live their life. This is what I'm going through and a lot of times is the messages that come across are relatable across different facets of life, you know, and different components of life that are currently going through. Well, I guess the best way to say this is that I'm honored to be able to share my life with you guys and that everything that I'm going through.

Speaker 1:

There are other people going through the same thing or even worse, but God has a message for all, for us all, and it all started with us talking about disobedience. This season, I came on the mic and I pretty much said hey, I've been messing up. I admitted it to God. I said, god, I've been messing up. I admitted it to God. I said, god, I know that I'm not doing what you're asking me to do. I'm putting other things before you and I was doing wrong and I apologize for it, not only to God, but to you as well, who some of you have come to know, jesus Christ, through this channel. So I want to say thank you so much for sticking through it with me and going through all this together with me, because it means a lot.

Speaker 1:

Then we talked about how God spoke to me through the message of a friend and how he said that remorse itself isn't enough. To say I'm sorry isn't enough if you're not willing to put together a plan to change for the better and not just go back to the ways you were, because then what's the point of saying sorry. So when we tie those things together, when we tie disobedience, when we tie remorse, when we tie what repentance really means, you start walking in Christ. And what does that all come down to? And it comes down to declarations that you make when you accept Jesus Christ into your heart. So let's pray and let's talk about that, father. We come to you tonight, lord, in obedience to you, father, to stick to the schedule that it is that you put in our hearts, lord, that you're allowing me to be able to voice. And, god, I want to say thank you, because I am a sinner and I know that I come to you dirty, unclean and unrighteous, father. I ask that you forgive me of my sins, lord, and I ask that the words that come out of my mouth tonight, lord, represent you, so that when people hear this message, they don't see me, they see you, father, because it is you who delivers, it is you who takes a life and transforms it for the better. So, father, may this message reach across as far as it can so that it can touch the heart of the one that needs it. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen. So, guys, I'm happy to be here today and the last message, I was really fired up and, in a way, right now, as I'm praying and getting into this, I'm really fired up as well, because these messages mean so much, and especially when it comes to someone who is going through something that it's difficult to understand.

Speaker 1:

Or perhaps you just started your walk with Christ and something may have happened and you're just like wait, is this really how it's supposed to be? So one thing that I'm going to tell you right now is, as you walk in Christ, as you give your life to Christ, the enemy knows that he's losing a soul that's going to go to hell. He's losing it, so he's not going to stay happy. He's going to throw everything he's got at you. He's going to try to tear you down in every way possible, every way possible, and it is through the power of the word, through the power of Jesus Christ, through the cleansing of his blood, that we are cleansed of our sins and we are released from our chains that we spoke about in episode two.

Speaker 1:

But it all comes from declaration. And what do I mean by that? When we pray and we say God, I know that I'm a sinner, come into my life, redeem me, forgive me of my sins. Let me live my life for you. We are making a declaration towards God. We are saying, god, I want to give up that which is bringing me down, I want to give up that which is taking away my eternal life and I want to turn my life over to you. It's a declaration, but there is a hidden declaration behind those words, and it's two words that are hidden behind it. That it's implied in the meaning and it's the words I believe. What does that mean? See the, the declaration I believe.

Speaker 1:

See, I was driving this past week and I'm going through my own personal things, I'm going through some hardships myself, and I sat driving alone on the road with just no music playing, nothing going on, just silence, and I just started to pray and I yelled to the top of my lungs I know I might sound crazy, guys, so follow with me, stick with me here but I screamed it to the top of my lungs and I said I believe. And when I said that, I had the Holy Spirit flood me at that very moment. And he's the one that gave me this message and this declaration. He's the one that told me what you've said isn't just a phrase, it's a declaration. How is it a declaration, you might ask? Well, I believe. I believe in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe in repentance, I believe in salvation, I believe in the healing, I believe in the love and grace of Jesus Christ, I believe in all the miracles and I believe in his power, everything that he is able to do. I believe it. It is a declaration of faith, it is a step in my walk.

Speaker 1:

When we declare something, we're not only doing it out of a want, a will. It's coming from a humble place and saying this is what I want, will. It's coming from a humble place and saying this is what I want. When you go to a restaurant and somebody's taking down your order and you say I want whatever is on this menu, I want this item, it's a declaration of that is what I want, this is what I believe, I want to eat, this is what I'm going to eat and this is what's going to fulfill me.

Speaker 1:

When we give our life to Jesus, we make a declaration in saying I believe in you, father. We thank you, god, for the sacrifices that you've done for us. I believe in your goodwill, and it's not just me when it comes to declarations. See, we talked about the book of Job in the last episode, in episode two, in your remorse isn't enough and I'm going to continue on with the book of Job, because it's just so fitting. It says in Job, chapter 22, verse 28, you will also declare a matter and it will be established unto you and the light will shine upon your ways.

Speaker 1:

This verse is a testament to the power of spoken words. When we utter the phrases of declaration of trust, of faith, god's power moves in your life. The Bible says the word is power. There is power in the word. Matter of fact, in the book of Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 21,. It says death and life are in the power of the tongue. So we talk about this and we say well, what does it mean that death and life are in the power of the tongue? With our declaration, with our mouth, with our tongues, we are able to declare our faith in Jesus Christ, our acceptance of his salvation, our repentance of our sins and that which is bringing us down. We are given the power to turn death, which is what we are due, into life, which is what we are due into life, which is that of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

And in the book of John, chapter six, verse 35,. It says I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst. It all stems from belief. When we believe in something, it comes to life because, like it says in the book of Proverbs, the power of the tongue has. It's something that God has given us over death and life. See, jesus came to earth. He gave up his riches in heaven so he can wallow in the filth that we are, because we are full of sin, we are full of hate, we are full of judgment, en envy, gluttony, lust. We are so unfit, we are so unrighteous, we're so filthy that Jesus said I still love them, I believe in them, even though they have free will. I believe that I can give them a gift of eternal salvation and they will find faith in me.

Speaker 1:

See, if you've ever seen the show Chosen, there is a woman in one of the episodes in season one that is suffering from a malady where she is bleeding. And back then, when any bodily fluid in the book of deuteronomy explains that any bodily fluid is, you're considered unclean and you have to complete a sort of set of rituals to cleanse yourself in x amount of days in order to be able to be cleansed properly. So you weren't accepted into into society. But because she had this malady, she couldn't control when she would bleed. So so she was shunned from society, she was pushed away.

Speaker 1:

And when Jesus was walking through a crowd in order to go perform a miracle, to raise the first person from the dead, he was walking through a crowd of everyone trying to get to him. And this lady pushes through crowds and says I believe in Jesus, I believe in his healing power. She pushes so much and she says all I need to do is touch a thread from his clothing and I will be healed. So she pushes and pushes and it's such a powerful scene that she pushes through the crowd and she falls over and her fingertips just graze the bottom of his clothing. And immediately jesus just stops in the middle of the crowd, a crowd that's all reaching over his disciples who are trying to push people away to give him space to walk. He just stops as if he was able to take a like a fresh breath of air, like something hit him, and he turns around and he says who touched me? I want you guys to keep in mind that she did not touch his physical body. She touched a piece of clothing at the bottom of his robes. But yet he turned around, he felt her and said who touched me? And at that moment the crowd kind of stands back and is looking at one another like who did it? And this lady had fallen to the ground. And he looks down at her and she looks up at him and she says I did. And she explains what's going on and she says I know that if I just got close enough to you that I could be healed.

Speaker 1:

And Jesus looked at her in this episode and said because of your faith in me, you are hereby healed. This is the power of belief. This is the declaration that we have the free will and the honor and the ability to be able to proclaim and say I believe in you, jesus, I believe in your power, I believe in everything you have to give. There's so much beauty Behind everything that we are able to declare, because it's something that comes from a free will, from a free heart. See, belief. The words, I believe, encompass just so much more than its face value. It's trust, it's healing, it's restoration, it's faith. It's healing, it's restoration, it's faith, it's timing, it's patience, it's loss, it's deliverance, but overall it's the key to salvation.

Speaker 1:

So when we look at ourselves and we say, god, I've been disobedient, god, I haven't quite done everything you've asked me to do. I could do better At that point we tell ourselves we need to be better. We made a declaration there and said we need to be better. How do we get to that point? How do we get to the point where we say, okay, I need to be better. What's the next step? So that's your remorse. Right there, you said, okay, I need to be better. I already recognize that I'm doing something wrong. I'm not being obedient, I need to get better. So you made a declaration and then you repent God, forgive me for not being disobedient or for being disobedient, forgive me for not doing the right thing. Help me, save me, come into my life and be my Lord and Savior and take me to the next step. And you have asked for repentance. And in that repentance you are saying God, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. You are telling God I believe in you, I believe in where you can take me, I believe in your gifts, I believe in salvation. Lord, I believe in you, and in that is when the power of God moves in your life, moves in your life.

Speaker 1:

Too many of us go through life as Christians, calling ourselves Christians, and we are like we sin galore. We're on both sides of the fence. On Friday night we're at the club dancing and enjoying ourselves to secular music, trying to do whatever it is that the world says is fun, and then on Sunday we're at church praying that our life is that of an Etch-a-Sketch shaking it, making believe it never happened. It doesn't work that way, guys. When you declare something, that's what will be. That's what your life should be like. You cannot have it both ways. You're either living for Christ or you're living away from him. You're either running towards him or running away. You cannot be in between, because then you really aren't remorseful, then you really haven't asked for repentance, you haven't truly declared your belief in God, and the Bible says it that if you're ashamed of him, he's going to be ashamed of you.

Speaker 1:

I've heard it a million times and there's something, there's a phrase that's so true, and it says that actions speak louder than words. So you can say it all you want yeah, I am a Christian, I accept Jesus, but your actions prove otherwise. Let your actions honor the Lord and let your words glorify him. Give your life to him in everything you do and ask in a beautiful prayer that David would say and Peter would say King David. And it's a very simple prayer because it's the next step and it's where you ask God not just for salvation, not just for guidance and wisdom or strength or healing, but you ask for something much simpler than that, and it's the words humble me, oh God. There's so much power in that, because when you say humble me, you're giving your life to Christ, you're making a declaration that my life, the way that I think it is, the way that I think it should go, isn't the way that I want it to go, because I want it to go the way you want it to.

Speaker 1:

I want my will to be yours. Humble me, father, because whatever it is, that I think doesn't mean it's what you want. Give me the strength to follow your will, even though it's difficult, even though it requires sacrifice. Humble me, oh God, so that I can let go of my pride, get away from that which makes me envious. Stay away from everything that is keeping me as a glutton In addiction, in stress and duress, in everything that is keeping me down. Humble me, father, so that I may serve my life according to your will.

Speaker 1:

And with that being said, guys, this week, as you continue on with your week, I need you, guys, to take a moment for yourself. You can be driving, you can be at home, you can be anywhere you want. I want you to step away from everything and everyone and every piece of electronic, every cell phone, every music device, whatever it is, whatever it is. Just you, with a moment of silence and God and the Holy Spirit. And I want you to make a prayer and I want you to say God, reveal to me my disobedience, reveal to me how I can be better and help me make that declaration of faith and say I believe in you, father, I believe you do that and your life is going to begin to change.

Speaker 1:

I know you hear it all the time from so many sources that the kingdom of God is near, but I truly believe that we are entering these times. We are definitely at heaven, or heaven is at the door. There isn't much time left. So repentance is so important now, before the great tribulations, before all the suffering the world is going through birthing pains as it is. You could look, turn on the news and just look. Look at all the destruction and chaos and the lack of faith going on throughout the entire world, and you're going to see that everything that has been written is coming to light. It is now that you have a chance. It is now that you have a moment to not only dedicate your life to Christ to save your soul from eternal damnation, but to possibly help others do the same thing.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, take the time this week, guys. Sit down, stand up, walk around doesn't matter, so long as you spend time alone with God and you say, god, I need you, I need to have a serious talk, because I don't wanna be running away from you, I wanna be running towards you. I don't wanna be disobedient, father, I wanna be obedient, so that, when I approach the gates of heaven, you can say well done my good and faithful servant. You can know who I am and that my name is written in the book of life. I want to live my life for you. That is what we all, as Christians, should be doing Not judging, not acting differently after we're outside of church.

Speaker 1:

Not judging, not acting differently after we're outside of church, but living life according to the way the Bible says we should, and it's a lot harder than it seems, guys, but there's honor and reward in it, and it comes in the form of eternity. Think about it. Would you trade a year of life to gain a hundred? Would you trade a hundred years to gain a thousand? All God is asking you to do is to dedicate your life and the way that you walk now, here, while you're on earth, and he will give you an unlimited amount of years with joy, peace, healing, resurrection, restoration, happiness, where all fear, anxiety, stress, tears are all gone and that the only thing that remains is the love, hope and power of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and pray, father. We come to you tonight, lord, thankful for the words that you've imparted for us. Lord, let your words reach those that need it. Father, god, I ask that you move in our lives, just like you moved in the lives of those men and women in the Bible, like you moved in Job's life, like you moved in Hannah's life, like you moved in Joseph, abraham, moses, isaac, jacob. You moved in all their lives, lord, because they believed in you. Father, we come to you tonight saying that we believe in you. We are making that declaration tonight, lord, because our lives are better because of you. Let your will make itself manifest in my life so that I may follow it according to your plans. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

And with eyes still closed and heads still bowed, maybe you don't know Jesus, or maybe you've never had a relationship with him. Maybe it's something that you had a relationship and you fell away. He's always there for you and he has his arms wide open, waiting for you to make that declaration. So if you want to know who Jesus is or you want to restart your walk, say this prayer with me, father. I come to you tonight, lord, and I know that I am a sinner, I know that I am like filthy rags, father, and I know you sent your Son, jesus Christ, to die on the cross to cleanse me of my sins. I believe in you, god, come into my heart and save me. Be my Lord and Savior, so that I can be your servant for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

If you said that prayer, I want to say welcome to the family of Jesus Christ. This is a family that we are all brothers and sisters in. I want to say that it is important to understand that in the book of Luke it says that there are more angels rejoicing over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don't need repentance. Guys, I'm coming to you tonight in honest approach here and saying that I'm so grateful for each and every single one of you who listens to the word of God and take something from it and prays that the Holy Spirit works in their lives. I need your help and, that's truth be told, I can't do this, this on my own. My wife and I try to the best of our abilities, but we can only reach so far. So I need your help in sharing the message to your friends, families, colleagues, whoever is willing to listen. I need your help in pushing this channel out so others can hear the word of jesus christ. See, it's not just the word, but how to adapt it and put it into your life, to make your walk with Christ that much more understandable, that much more relatable.

Speaker 1:

Go to wwwguidance-lightcom and you can submit prayer requests, look at music that can help you in your walk, you can listen to previous episodes and even look at our shops. Everything that we do is for you to walk in christ in a easier and and more fulfilling manner, something that makes sense to everything that you're wanting to do in christ. Thank you so much for being a part of this. It means the world to me and to my family. Everything we do again is meant to spread the word of god, as commissioned by the Bible.

Speaker 1:

So if you guys have any questions, feel free to email me, john at guidance-lightcom, or go to our website again, wwwguidance-lightcom, or follow us on our socials like TikTok, instagram or Facebook. We're on there. We post daily devotionals to help you in your walk with Christ. I pray that you have a phenomenal week and that you make that declaration of I believe and that way it takes you to the next level in your faith. It takes you in the next level of what God has willed for you. This is John from Guidance Light signing out. May God bless you guys, keep you and take you to where he wants you to be. In Jesus name, I pray I will see you guys. Keep you and take you to where he wants you to be. In Jesus' name, I pray I will see you guys next week, amen.